AP Human Geography FRQ Room

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AP Human Geography Free Response Prompts

We have over 3 million resources across various exams, and subjects to refer to at any point.

  • View all (28)
  • Unit 1: Thinking Geographically (4)
  • Unit 2: Population and Migration Patterns and Processes (5)
  • Unit 3: Cultural Patterns and Processes (10)
  • Unit 5: Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes (3)
  • Unit 6: Cities and Urban Land-Use Patterns and Processes (5)
  • Unit 7: Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes (1)

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AP Human Geography Exam Tips from Former AP Students

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AP Prep

The Great Depression

Mind Map: The Great DepressionCentral Idea: The Great DepressionA severe worldwide economic depression in the 1930sMain Branches:Causes of the Great DepressionStock Market Crash of 1929Overproduction and UnderconsumptionBank FailuresDust BowlImpact on EconomyUnemploymentPovertyDecline in GDPDeflationGovernment ResponseNew Deal ProgramsFederal Reserve PoliciesPublic Works ProjectsSocial Security ActSocial and Cultural EffectsHomelessnessBreadlines and Soup KitchensRise of ShantytownsMigration and DisplacementSub-Branches:Causes of the Great DepressionStock Market Crash of 1929Speculation and buying on marginPanic selling and market collapseOverproduction and UnderconsumptionExcess production without sufficient demandDecreased consumer spendingBank FailuresBank runs and mass withdrawalsLoss of confidence in the banking systemDust BowlSevere drought and soil erosionAgricultural devastation in the MidwestImpact on EconomyUnemploymentMassive job losses across industriesHigh unemployment ratesPovertyWidespread poverty and destitutionLack of basic necessitiesDecline in GDPSharp decrease in economic outputNegative growth ratesDeflationFalling prices and wagesReduced consumer purchasing powerGovernment ResponseNew Deal ProgramsPublic Works Administration (PWA)Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)Works Progress Administration (WPA)Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)Federal Reserve PoliciesMonetary expansion and interest rate cutsEfforts to stabilize the banking systemPublic Works ProjectsInfrastructure developmentConstruction of roads, bridges, and damsSocial Security ActCreation of a social safety netRetirement and disability benefitsSocial and Cultural EffectsHomelessnessEvictions and foreclosuresLack of affordable housingBreadlines and Soup Kitchens...

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AP Prep

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In this article, we will explore several effective tricks and tips to help you achieve a perfect score of 5 in the AP Computer Science Principles exam . By mastering these strategies, utilizing the right resources, and applying our AP Computer Science Principles test tips , you can confidently approach the exam and excel in it like a pro. So, let's delve into these techniques and insights to ensure you know how to pass the AP Computer Science Principles exam ! Free AP Computer Science Principles Resources No need to stress if you're cramming last-minute for the AP Computer Science...

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FAQWe thought you might have some questions...
Where can I find practice free response questions for the AP Human Geography exam?
The free response section of each AP exam varies slightly, so you’ll definitely want to practice that before stepping into that exam room. Here are some free places to find practice FRQs :
  • Of course, make sure to run through College Board's past FRQ questions!
  • Once you’re done with those go through all the questions in the AP Human GeographyFree Response Room. You can answer the question and have it grade you against the rubric so you know exactly where to improve.
  • Reddit it also a great place to find AP free response questions that other students may have access to.
How do I practice for AP AP Human Geography Exam FRQs?
Once you’re done reviewing your study guides, find and bookmark all the free response questions you can find. The question above has some good places to look! while you’re going through them, simulate exam conditions by setting a timer that matches the time allowed on the actual exam. Time management is going to help you answer the FRQs on the real exam concisely when you’re in that time crunch.
What are some tips for AP Human Geography free response questions?
Before you start writing out your response, take a few minutes to outline the key points you want to make sure to touch on. This may seem like a waste of time, but it’s very helpful in making sure your response effectively addresses all the parts of the question. Once you do your practice free response questions, compare them to scoring guidelines and sample responses to identify areas for improvement. When you do the free response practice on the AP Human Geography Free Response Room, there’s an option to let it grade your response against the rubric and tell you exactly what you need to study more.
How do I answer AP Human Geography free-response questions?
Answering AP Human Geography free response questions the right way is all about practice! As you go through the AP AP Human Geography Free Response Room, treat it like a real exam and approach it this way so you stay calm during the actual exam. When you first see the question, take some time to process exactly what it’s asking. Make sure to also read through all the sub-parts in the question and re-read the main prompt, making sure to circle and underline any key information. This will help you allocate your time properly and also make sure you are hitting all the parts of the question. Before you answer each question, note down the key points you want to hit and evidence you want to use (where applicable). Once you have the skeleton of your response, writing it out will be quick, plus you won’t make any silly mistake in a rush and forget something important.