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students & teachers

2,000,000 +

notes created

320,000,000 +

flashcards created

Comparing Knowt vs Fiveable

Unlimited FREE Learn mode for your students
Unlimited FREE Practice tests for your students
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Unlimited Multiple Choice Practice Questions

Unlimited Multiple Choice Practice Questions

Practice makes perfect! Test yourself on concepts with MCQ questions.

Practice Test Room

Practice Test Room

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Get Graded on Sample Free Response Questions

Take a stab at our huge library of FRQs & grade them yourself OR have Kai help you out.

Free Response Practice Room

Free Response Practice Room

Plus, we’ve got more than Fiveable.

All our AP study guides were built by past AP students who’ve been through it, just like you. So, we know exactly what you need.

The Only Free Response Room of it’s Kind

Run through multiple rounds of FRQs, get detailed explanations when you’re wrong and get better with each FRQ you do.

FRQ Room

FRQ Room

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In-Depth Study Guides

Find that one ultimate study guide that covers every single key topic, main event, and anything your need to know to get ready for you AP exam.

AP Study Guides

AP Study Guides

click to learn more about In-Depth Study Guides

Brush up on your AP Vocabulary on the go

Review important terms you’ll need to know for your exam on the go with our free mobile app.

Knowt mobile app

Knowt mobile app

Mobile Video Summarizer
Practice Test Room

Test yourself on key concepts with unlimited multiple choice questions designed to challenge you.

AP Practice Test Room

Trusted by millions across the globe

Our community of students and teachers trust Knowt to create and study on.

Trusted by millions across the globe

Our community of students and teachers trust Knowt to create and study on.

a lifesaver in studying


even if Quizlet had not ceased to be a free service, I have to say I would still choose Knowt over it. overall, it's a fantastic resource and perfect for students.

saved my BUTT


these guys seriously saved me. i'm not a good student by any means and this is the only reason i passed my classes

such a great & reliable resource!!


I switched over to knowt and i'm so glad to say i haven't regretted it one bit. i use knowt for each every one of my quizzes, tests, and exams!

Quizlet's cheaper, younger, hotter, cooler sister!!


I love Knowt, the free version is much better than Quizlet. It's a great app and I highly recommend it

get this app, it's amazing!


never in my life have I done a review for any app but I just love knowt so much. I've recommended it to all my friends and they all agree that it's a life saver.

Marry me Kai 💍


If Knowt has 100 fans, I'm one of them. If Knowt has 1 fan, it's me. If Knowt has no fans, I'm probably dead. I love this app/website sm.

Amazing app!


Has so many great pre-made resources like notes and flashcards and it's all free to use, unlike some other flashcard apps (I'm looking at you Quizlet). I'm so grateful to the developers of Knowt, thank you!

NEEDS to be in your school survival kit


i hope anyone reading this can join me and many other users in switching from quizlet or other competitors to knowt! thank you so much for everything, knowt! truly one of the best apps ever.



Knowt it the ONLY reason i got a 5 on the AP Human Geo exam without them i would have probably gotten a one.

FAQWe thought you might have some questions...
Does Knowt support all the AP exams?
Yes! Knowt has notes, study guides and flashcards for all 38 AP exams. We also have Ultimate study guides for almost all of the AP exams, and are working closely with AP students to create them for the remaining subjects.
Is Fiveable free?
Fiveable is no longer completely free. There is a daily limit of how many study guides and practice questions you access before you need to subscribe. If you’re looking for a free alterative to Fiveable, you can find completely free in-depth ap study guides and practice tests on the Knowt AP Hub.
Does Fiveable have a mobile app?
No, Fiveable does not have a mobile app. If you’re looking for AP study guides you can study while you’re on the go, you can just download the Knowt app. On Knowt, you’ll able to study from AP study guides and practice tests while you’re at school, on your phone or your tablet.
I don’t want to pay for the Fiveable cram pass. What do I do?
If you don’t want to pay for the Fiveable cram pass, you can rely on the in-depth AP study guides on Knowt. The Knowt AP Hub is entirely made by past AP students who took the the exam, so it cover all the important information. Once you’re done, you can also practice with the free multiple choice practice or free response questions,