German customary law
Under ________, compurgation and the or- deal were the two most commonly used procedures for determining whether an accused person was guilty and should have to pay wergeld.
Muhammads teachings
________ formed the basis for the religion known as Islam, which means submission to the will of Allah.
seventh century
In the first half of the ________, during the reign of Heraclius, the empire faced attacks from the Persians to the east and the Slavs to the north.
________ has been criticized for overextending his resources and bankrupting the empire.
Arabian peninsula
In Roman times, the ________ came to be dominated by Bedouin nomads who moved constantly to find water and food for their animals.
________ was a direct and simple faith, emphasizing the need to obey the will of Allah.
At the heart of Islam was its sacred book, the Quran, with its basic message that there is no God but** Allah and ________ is his Prophet**
________ ruled the east, and Maximian, a strong military commander, the west.
________ was the swearing of an oath by the accused person, backed up by a group of "oath helpers", numbering twelve or twenty- five, who would also swear that the accused person should be believed.
________ was the all- powerful being who had created the universe and everything in it.
Venerable Bede
The ________ was a scholar and product of** Christian Anglo- Saxon England**
________ accepted the advice of earlier Christian intellectuals to make use of Classical works while treasuring the Scriptures above all else.
In early times, the ________ had supported themselves primarily by sheepherding or by raiding passing caravans, but after the domestication of the camel during the second millennium.
________ proved himself a formidable advocate of the position that spiritual authority should take precedence over temporal power, at least in spiritual matters.
In ________, the Bulgars defeated the eastern Roman forces and took possession of the lower Danube valley, setting up a strong Bulgarian kingdom.
victory of Constantine
The ________ in 312 led to his control of the entire west, although he continued to share imperial authority with Licinius, a fellow emperor.
Emperor Theodosius I
When ________ ordered the massacre of many citizens of Thessalonika for refusing to obey his commands, Ambrose denounced the massacre and refused to allow the emperor to take part in church ceremonies.
________ created a new administrative system for a restructured empire.
________ continued the tradition of late antiquity of classifying knowledge according to certain subjects.
Each Augustus was assisted by a chief lieutenant or ‘‘vice-emperor’’ called a ________, who theoretically would eventually succeed to the position of Augustus.
As the ________ infiltrated the Roman Empire, they were influenced by the Roman society they encountered.
Germanic Law
The German conception of family and kin-ship affected the way ________ treated the problem of crime and punishment.
Most prominent was Cassiodorus , who came from an aristocratic Roman family and served as an official of the Ostrogothic king ________.
Christian Anglo-Saxon England
The Venerable Bede was a scholar and product of ________. He used his sources so judiciously that they remain our chief source of information about early Anglo-Saxon England .
Syria and Palestine
The empire lost the provinces of ________ after the Arabs defeated an eastern Roman army at Yarmouk in 636.
Quran or Koran
Out of these revelations, which were eventually written down, came the ________, which contained the guidelines by which followers of Allah were to live.
Yathrib, Medina
Discouraged by the failure of the Meccans to accept his message, in 622 Muhammad and some of his closest supporters left the city and moved north to the rival city of ________, later renamed ________.
________, who had been invited to the town by a number of prominent residents, soon began to win support from people in Medina as well as from members of Bedouin tribes in the surrounding countryside.