
Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into glucose and oxygen.

  • Photosynthesis is a vital process for sustaining life on Earth.

  • There are two main reactions in photosynthesis: the light-dependent reactions and the light-independent reactions (Calvin cycle).

  • The light-dependent reactions convert sunlight into energy.

  • The light-independent reactions (Calvin cycle) use the energy from the light-dependent reactions to convert carbon dioxide into glucose.

  • Photosynthesis is a complex and inefficient process.

Chapter 2: The Calvin Cycle

  • The light-independent reactions in photosynthesis are also known as the Calvin cycle.

  • The Calvin cycle is a series of chemical reactions that convert carbon dioxide into glucose.

  • Photosynthesis is essentially respiration in reverse.

Chapter 2: Called Chlorophyll

  • Photosynthesis needs water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight

  • Water is absorbed by the roots of metovascular plants

    • Metovascular plants have pipelike tissues called xylem

    • Xylem conducts water, minerals, and other materials to different parts of the plant

  • Carbon dioxide enters and oxygen exits through stomata in the leaves

  • Plants keep oxygen levels low inside their leaves

    • Reasons for keeping oxygen levels low will be discussed later

  • Chlorophyll absorbs individual photons from the sun

Plant Cells and Chloroplasts

  • Plant cells have plastids, unlike animal cells

  • The most important plastid is the chloroplast

    • Chloroplast has a complicated internal structure

  • Chlorophyll is stored in membranous sacs called thylakoids

  • Thylakoids are stacked into grana

  • The chloroplast has a lumen inside the thylakoid and a stroma outside the thylakoid

  • Thylakoid membranes are phospholipid bilayers

    • Phospholipid bilayers maintain concentration gradients of ions and proteins

Chapter 3: Convert The Energy

  • Photon created by fusion reactions of the sun hits a molecule of chlorophyll

    • Photon ends its 93,000,000 mile journey

    • Photon slaps into a molecule of chlorophyll

  • Light dependent reactions

    • Chlorophyll absorbs the energy from the photon

    • Electron gains energy and gets excited

    • Electrons have nowhere to put the energy

    • Photo excitation occurs when energy is gained by electrons from a photon

  • Photosynthesis converts the energy of electrons into something usable by the plant

    • First chlorophyll is part of a complex called photo system 2

    • Photo system 2 contains 99 different chemicals

    • Over 30 individual chlorophyll molecules in photo system 2

    • Photo system 2 is the first of 4 protein complexes needed for light dependent reactions

Chapter 4: Electrons Lose Their Energy

  • PS 2 and protein complexes in the light-dependent reactions are located in the thylakoid membrane

  • Electron transport chain is where energized electrons lose their energy

    • PS 2's chlorophyll transfers excited electron to a mobile electron carrier protein

    • Chlorophyll then splits water molecule (H2O) to replenish the lost electron

    • Byproducts of water splitting are hydrogen ions (protons) and oxygen

  • This reaction is essential for producing oxygen and allowing us to breathe

Chemicals in Food

  • All life is made of chemicals

  • Chlorophyll creates the air we breathe

  • Chemical does not necessarily mean carcinogen

Chapter 5: Bit Of Energy

  • All energized electrons from PS 2 have been picked up by electron carriers

    • Transported to the cytochrome complex

    • The cytochrome complex serves as an intermediary between PS 2 and PS 1

    • The cytochrome complex uses a bit of energy from the electron to pump another proton into the thylakoid

  • The thylakoid is being charged like a battery

    • Pumping the thylakoid full of protons creates a concentration gradient

    • The protons push their way through an enzyme called synthase

    • Synthase uses the energy to pack an inorganic phosphate onto ADP, making ATP

  • Electrons are entering lower energy states as they move along the electron transport chain

  • Electrons get re-energized upon delivery to photosystem 1

Chapter 6: The Calvin Cycle

  • PS 1 and PS 2 are mixtures of proteins and chlorophyll molecules

    • Electrons get excited by photons and hitch a ride onto another electron carrier

    • An enzyme combines 2 electrons and 1 hydrogen ion with NADP plus to form NADPH

  • After light-dependent reactions:

    • Chemical energy in the form of ATPs and NADPHs is produced

    • Oxygen is also produced as a byproduct

  • The Calvin Cycle (light-independent reactions)

    • Occurs in the day, not necessarily in the dark

    • Uses energy from ATPs and NADPHs to produce something useful for the plant

    • Begins in the stroma of the chloroplast

    • Phase 1: Carbon fixation

      • CO2 is fixed to ribulose bisphosphate (RUBP)

      • Enzyme called ribulose 15 bisphosphate carboxylase oxidase (Rubisco) helps in this process

Chapter 7: Dependent Reactions Plants

  • A one-celled organism evolved an enzyme called Rubisco to convert inorganic carbon into organic carbon

    • Rubisco allowed the organism to take in CO2 from the atmosphere

    • Rubisco was not very efficient, but better than relying on chemically formed organic carbon

    • The organism produced a large amount of Rubisco to compensate for its inefficiency

  • Rubisco became the dominant form of life on Earth

    • Plants, through light-dependent reactions, increased the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere

    • Rubisco, designed in a world with low oxygen levels, started to have issues

  • Rubisco started to produce a toxic byproduct called phosphoglycolate

    • Phosphoglycolate interfered with enzyme functions, including those involved in the Calvin cycle

    • Plants had to develop specialized enzymes to break down phosphoglycolate into glycine and other useful compounds

  • Plants continue to produce large amounts of Rubisco

    • It is estimated that there are 40,000,000,000 tons of Rubisco on the planet at any given time

Chapter 8: Need Some Energy

  • Calvin Cycle

    • Ribulose bisphosphate (RUBP) gets a CO2 added to it

      • Creates an unstable 6 carbon chain

      • Breaks apart into 2 molecules of 3 phosphoglycerate

    • Phase 2: Reduction

      • Requires energy

      • ATP adds a phosphate group to 3 phosphoglycerate

      • NADH adds electrons

      • Results in 2 molecules of glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate (G3P)

    • G3P

      • High energy, 3 carbon compound

      • Can be converted into various carbohydrates

      • Glucose for short term energy storage

      • Cellulose for structure

      • Starch for long term storage

    • Regeneration

      • Requires 5 G3P to regenerate 3 RUBPs

      • Requires 9 molecules of ATP

      • Requires 6 molecules of ADPH

Chapter 9: Conclusion

  • All these chemical reactions and chemical energy

  • Conversion of 3 RUBPs into 6 G3Ps

    • Only one G3P gets to leave the cycle

    • Other G3Ps needed to regenerate the original 3 ribulose bisphosphates

  • Regeneration is the last phase of the Calvin cycle

  • Plants turn sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into every living thing

    • Talking, playing, climbing, loving, hating, and eating


  • Selected references for further information

Review and Questions

  • If you don't understand, check the references or rewatch the video

  • Hopefully, upon review, things will make more sense

  • Leave any questions in the comments below