Neurosecretory cells
________ in the adrenal medulla produce epinephrine and norepinephrine in reaction to stress, which mediates different fight- or- flight responses.
________ and growth factors (polypeptides), prostaglandins (modified fatty acids), and nitric oxide are examples of local regulators that carry out paracrine and autocrine signaling (a gas)
________ also stimulates the kidneys to activate vitamin D, which increases the absorption of Ca2+ from meals in the intestine.
TSH, follicle- stimulating hormone (________), luteinizing hormone (LH), and adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) are anterior pituitary tropic hormones (ACTH)
________ pathways can be controlled by either negative feedback, which dampens the stimulus, or positive feedback, which amplifies the stimulus and pushes the reaction to completion.
________ function locally as well, while neurohormones act across the body.
________ are chemicals that are released into the environment to aid communication between animals of the same species.
biological reaction
The binding of a hormone to a receptor specific for that hormone causes a(n) ________.
Endocrine cells
________ that release hormones are frequently found in glands that are dedicated in part or entirely to endocrine signaling.
Endocrine signals
________, also known as hormones, are released into extracellular fluid by endocrine cells or ductless glands and travel to target cells via circulatory fluids.
Animal hormones
________ are classified into three types: polypeptides, steroids, and amines.
Paracrine signals
________ influence adjacent cells, whereas autocrine signals influence the secreting cell.
adrenal cortex
The ________ secretes glucocorticoids like cortisol, which regulate glucose metabolism.
synthesis of growth
It directly promotes development, influences metabolism, and encourages the ________ factors by other tissues.
A(n) ________ causes a reaction, such as a change in metabolism, in certain target cells that have the corresponding receptor.
Endocrine cells
________ respond immediately to stimuli in a basic endocrine pathway.
________ trigger various response pathways depending on whether they are water- soluble or lipid- soluble.