________ (lysergic acid diethylamide), also known as acid, cuaes emotions that vary from euphori to detachment to panic.
Sleep deprivation increase ghrelin
________ (hunger- arousing hormone), and also decreases leptin (hunger suppressing hormone)
________ is also known as MDMA (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) and known as* Molly* in its powder form.
Brains motor cortex
________ is active and makes you basically paralyzed except for some twitching.
________ and opioids temporarily calm anxiety and reduce pain sensitivity.
immune system
Suppresses the ________, impares memory, and slows thought and disrupts sleep.
________:** recurring problems in falling or staying asleep.
________:** psychedelic " (mind- manifesting) "drugs, such as LSD, that distort perceptions and evoke sensory images in the absence of sensory input.
________ distort perception and evoke sensory images in absence of sensory input.
Heavy drinking
________ can have long- term effects of the brain and cognition.
Selective attention
________ allows our awareness focuses on a aspect of all that we experience.
Large doses
________ causes slow reactions, slurred speech, and worse skill performance.
limbic brain
Enhances ________ responses to the sight of food and decrease are willingness to resist the temptation.
________:** drugs that stimulate neural activity, causing accelerated body functions and associated energy and mood changes.
________:** a powerfully addictive drug that stimulates the central nervous system, with accelerated body functions and associated energy and mood changes; over time, appears to reduce baseline dopamine levels.
________ depress the nervous system like alcohol.
depress neural activity
Opiates:** opium and its derivatives, such as morphine and heroin; ________, temporarily lessening pain and anxiety.
________ Waves:** the relatively slow brain waves of a relaxed, awake state.
visual stimulus
Blindsight:** a condition in which a person can respond to a(n) ________ without consciously experiencing it.
REM sleep
________ tricks you into responding as if your dream was fully real.
Conscious experience
________ comes from synchronized activity across the brain.
________ can disrupt memory formations.
LSD, MDMA, and ________ are phsycdelics.
Crack Cocaine
________ is a faster working mixture giving an intense high followed with an intense crash.
________ explores the biology of psychologists.
Cognitive neuroscience
________ are researching and mappin functions of the conscious cortex.
________:** a powerful and addictive stimulant derived from the coca plant; produces temporarily increased alertness and euphoria.
________:** a periodic, natural loss of consciousness- as distinct from unconsciousness resulting from a coma, general anesthesia, or hibernation.
________ linked brain activity to sleeping, dreaming, and other mental states.
Slows reactions
________ and increases errors on tasks that require visual attention.
________:** a stimulating and highly addictive psychoactive drug in tobacco.
complex concept
It focuses our attention when we learn a(n) ________ and /or behavior.
chronic bronchitis
Is predictive of increased risk of traffic accidents, ________, psychosis, social anxiety disorder, and suicidal thoughts.
________ Waves:** the large, slow brain waves associated with deep sleep.
Genitals become
________ aroused during REM sleep, except during nightmares or scary dreams.
________:** a sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks.
Strong signals
________ in one brain area can cause activity in other places.
________ and norepinephrine desmished appetite and boosts alertness and mental efficiency.
external visual stimulus
Hallucinations:** false sensory experiences, such as seeing something in the absence of a(n) ________.
________:** our subjective awareness of ourselves and our environment.
Night Terrors
________:** a sleep disorder characterized by high arousal and an appearance of being terrified; unlike nightmares, ________ occur during NREM- 3 sleep, within two or three hours of falling asleep, and are seldom remembered.
time of awareness of intention
When the actual decision to move happens when the brain activity crosses a threshold, causing the average "________ to move "(about 0.15 seconds before the action)
physical abuse
Girls with history of depression, eating disorders, or sexual or ________ are more likely to develop a substance use disorder.
________ activates enough coordinated neural activity.
species sleep pattern
A(n) ________ is suited to fit its ecological niche.
________ are drugs that calm neural activity and slow body functions.
________ increase neural activity and speeds up bodily functions.
In response to light, the ________ causes the pineal gland to adjust melatonin production, thus modifying our feelings of sleepiness.
Inattentional Blindness
________:** failing to see visible objects when our attention is directed elsewhere.
Sleep patterns
________ are genetically influenced as well as culturally influenced.