Free Association**: ________ in which a patient was encouraged to talk about anything that came to mind without fear of negative evaluations.
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mutual respect
Therapeutic Alliance**: the relationship between therapist and client that develops as a warm, caring, accepting relationship characterized by empathy, ________, and understanding.
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negative feelings
Transference**: in psychoanalysis, the tendency for a patient or client to project positive or ________ for important people from the past onto the therapist.
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medical methods
Therapies for mental disorders in which a person with a problem is treated with biological or ________ to relieve symptoms.
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________ Modeling**: technique in which a model demonstrates the desired behavior in a step by- step, gradual process while the client is encouraged to imitate the model.
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similar concerns
Group Therapy**: form of therapy or treatment during which a small group of clients with ________ meet together with a therapist to address their issues.
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Positive Regard
Unconditional ________**: referring to the warmth, respect, and accepting atmosphere created by the therapist for the client in person- centered therapy; ________ that is given without conditions or strings attached.
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Systematic Desensitization
________**: behavior technique used to treat phobias, in which a client is asked to make a list of ordered fears and taught to relax while concentrating on those fears.
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________**: the genuine, open, and honest response of the therapist to the client.
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Contingency Contract
________**: a formal, written agreement between the therapist and client (or teacher and student) in which goals for behavioral change, reinforcements, and penalties are clearly stated.
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________**: the use of drugs to control or relieve the symptoms of psychological disorders.
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Anterior Cingulotomy
Bilateral ________**: a psychosurgical technique in which an electrode wire is inserted into the ________ gyrus, with the guidance of magnetic resonance imaging, to destroy a very small portion of that brain area with electric current.
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psychological professional
Psychotherapy**: therapy for mental disorders in which a person with a problem talks with a(n) ________.
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prefrontal cortex
Prefrontal Lobotomy**: psychosurgery in which the connections of the ________ to other areas of the brain are severed.
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biological functioning
Biomedical Therapies**: therapies that directly affect the ________ of the body and brain.