________ has sustained large populations and flourishing trade networks and developed kingdoms and states in some areas.
The slave trade in the ________ started with the Portuguese people in the fifteenth century but only ended in the US by 1808.
North America
In the eighteenth century, tobacco was by far the only major commodity produced in ________, representing more than a quarter of the value of all colonial exports.
The ________, flour, meat and milk products produced in Pennsylvania, New York, and New England, and also in Chesapeake.
Cape Verde
In the sixteenth century, the West African coast, from ________ south to Angola, lived more than 100 different peoples.
________ was fundamental to the Spanish colonial system, but both the church and the crown raised doubts about the Africans 'enslavement.
Building upon commodities, Parliament adopted between ________ and 1696 a number of Navigation Acts, which established the legal and institutional structure of the colonial system of Great Britain during the 18th century.
Indian slave trade
The ________ was the most precious part of the Carolina economy.
British Royal African Company
The ________, which in the 1670s started importing slaves directly into North America, was more than happy to provide workers 'need.
African descent
By 1700, Virginia had 5, 000 slaves, and the proportion of the ________ in Chesapeake was more than 22 %.
________ had no legal history from England, nor any laws or traditions that would permit or inherit lifetime slavery.