ligand gated ion channels
The neurotransmitter binds to ________ in the postsynaptic membrane at numerous synapses, resulting in an excitatory or inhibitory postsynaptic potential (EPSP or IPSP)
spatial summation of EPSPs
The temporal and ________ and IPSPs at the axon hillock determines whether or not a neuron gene is expressed.
________ causes synaptic vesicles to fuse with the terminal membrane and release neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft in a chemical synapse.
neural pathways
Sorting ________ and connections is thus required when interpreting nerve signals.
plasma membrane
The ________ of resting neurons includes numerous open potassium channels but few open sodium channels.
ion channels
Gated ________ in neurons open and shut in response to inputs, causing changes in membrane potential.
nerve impulse
A(n) ________ is propagated through the axon from the axon hillock to the synaptic terminals by a sequence of action potentials.
________ are responsible for the integration (analysis and interpretation) of sensory input.
________ are formed when the axons of neurons are tangled together.
central nervous system
The neurons that carry out the integration in many animals are arranged in a(n) ________ (CNS)
Electrical current travels
________ straight from one cell to another at an electrical synapse.
membrane potential
A hyperpolarization occurs when the amplitude of the ________ increases; a depolarization occurs when it decreases.
Graded ________ are changes in membrane potential that vary continuously with the intensity of stimulation.
single neuron
On the dendrites and cell bodies of a(n) ________, there are many synapses.
sensory input
The snail explores its environment with its tubelike siphon to provide ________ to the nervous system, collecting odors that may suggest a nearby fish (as shown in the attached image)
peripheral nervous system
The ________ is made up of neurons that transport information into and out of the CNS (PNS)