Mary Whiton Calkins
first female president of the APA (1905)
Charles Darwin
evolutionary psychology survival of the fittest natural selection
Dorothea Dix
creator of american mental hospitals
Sigmund Frued
Psychoanalytic perspective Psychosexual stages unconscious motives wishes and urges
G. Stanley Hall
1st psych lab in america at john hopkins 1st president of the APA
William James
created 1st psych textbook
Iván Pavlov
Classical conditioning
Jean Piaget
Cognitive development
Carl Rogers
self theory client centered therapy active listening unconditional positive regard
B.F Skinner
operant conditioning
Margaret Floy Washburn
1st female Ph.D in psychology
John B. Watson
Behaviorism & little albert
Wilhelm Wundt
backbones of psychology 1st psych lab ever
Paul Broca
speech production area in frontal lobe
Micheal Gazzaniga
split brain researcher how the cerebral hemispheres communicate
Alexander Luria
studied the relationship between language thought and cortical connections resulted in the field of neuropsychology
Roger Sperry
designed surgery to treat epileptics cutting of the corpus callosum contributed to the understanding of lateralization of brain function
Carl Wernike
speech comprehension area in the temporal lobe
Gustav Fetchner
Absolute threshold
David Hubel(with wiesel)
discovered feature detectors in the visual system
Ernst Weber
law to detect JND
Torsten Wiesel
Along with David Hubel discovered feature detector groups of neurons in the visual cortex that respond to different types of visual images
William James
stream of consciousness
Ernst Hilgard
role of hypnotism in human behavior and response
Albert Bandura
Social Learning Theory Bobo Doll Experiment imitation in learning
John Garcia
Conditioned Taste Aversion (The Garcia Effect)
Robert Rescorla
Contingency Theory - a stimulus must provide the subject information about the likelihood that certain events will occur.
Edward Thorndike
Law of Effect; Instrumental Conditioning
Edward Tolman
latent learning; rats in mazes
Noam Chomsky
Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
Hermann Ebbinghaus
studied memory using nonsense syllables; retention and forgetting curves
Wolfgang Kohler
researcher who studied insight learning in chimps
Elizabeth Loftus
eyewitness testimony misinformation effect false memories
George Miller
STM's "Magic Number" = 7 ± 2
George Sperling
studied sensory memory sub-type - Iconic Memory - with cued recall tasks
Benjamin Whorf
linguistic determination - language determines the way we think
William James
theory of emotion-the body reaction comes before then emotion quickly after
Alfred Kinsey
controversial research on sexual motivation in the 1940's and 50's
Abraham Maslow
Humanistic psychologist known for his "Hierarchy of Needs" and the concept of "self-actualization"
David Matsumoto
study of facial expressions and emotions; first training tool to improve ability to read microexpressions; studied spontaneous facial expressions in blind individuals; discovered that many facial expressions are innate and not visually learned
Stanley Schachter
Developed "Two-Factor" theory of emotion; experiments on spillover effect
Hans Selye
General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS)- alarm resistance exhaustion
Mary Ainsworth
secure vs. insecure attachment
Diana Baumrind
types of parenting styles: authoritarian permissive authoritative
Erik Erikson
8 psychosocial stages of development: theory shows how people evolve through the life span. Each stage is marked by a psychological crisis that involves confronting "Who am I?"
Carol Gilligan
criticized Kohlberg's work b/c he only studied privileged white men and boys she felt this caused a biased opinion against women.
Harry Harlow
wire mother monkey studies contact comfort
Lawrence Kohlberg
Levels of Moral Development- Pre-Conventional Conventional Post-Conventional
Konrad Lorenz
Imprinting in animals
Lev Vygotsky
research on play; "Zone of proximal development" (ZPD) - the range of tasks that a child can complete independently; studied concept of inner speech in language development
Alfred Adler
inferiority complex & sibling rivalry
Paul Costa & Robert McCrae
Big Five Trait Theory (CANOE: conscientiousness agreeableness neuroticism openness to experience and extraversion)
Carl Jung
collective unconscious archetypes
Martín Seligman
positive psychology
Alfred Binet
Created first intelligence test for Parisian school children
Francis Galton
founded psychometrics; developed the ideas of correlation standard deviation regression toward the mean
Howard Gardner
theory of multiple intelligences; 8 areas
Charles Spearman
2-Factor Theory of Intelligence - "g" factor (general intelligence) an inherited intellectual ability that influences all around performance; "s" factor (specific abilities) which account for differences between scores on different tasks
Robert Sternberg
triarchic theory of intelligence- [1] academic problem-solving intelligence [2] practical intelligence [3] creative intelligence
Louis Terman
altered Binet's IQ test calling it the Stanford-Binet
David Wechsler
Developed WAIS and WISC (IQ tests)
Albert Ellis
founder of cognitive-behavioral therapies
Mary Cover Jones
counterconditioning of fears
Joseph Wolpe
developed the Exposure Therapy technique known as flooding
Soloman Asch
conformity studies & line study
Leon Fistinger
cognitive dissonance theory
Fritz Heider
Attribution theory describes how people come to explain (make attributions about) the behavior of others and themselves; behavior is attributed to a disposition or to a situation
Stanley Milgram
obedience studies; "teacher" and "learner" shock experiment
Philip Zimbardo
Stanford Prison Study; power of power; when roles become reality