________ may be assisted in their folding by oligosaccharide side proteins, along with helping protect mature proteins from proteolysis, work as antigens and help with cell- cell adhesion.
Nuclear genes
________ take up most of the encoding go of mitochondrial and chloroplast proteins and they also use synthesized ribosomes which are imported into the organelles.
Protein disulfide isomerase
________ (PDI) works as a catalyst for the formation and rearrangement of disfutile bonds in the ER lumen.
________- linked oligosaccharides are short and contain one to four sugar residues.
N terminal uptake
The ________ targeting sequence contains the information needed to target precursor proteins.
________- linked oligosaccharides contain two N- acetylglucosamine and three mannose.
mitochondrial matrix
Proteins transfer to the general import pore once they bind to the receptors on the outer membrane of the mitochondria if they are meant to be in the ________.