Apennine Mountains
The ________ traverse the peninsula from north to south, forming a ridge down the middle that divides west from east.
________ is a narrow peninsula extending about 750 miles from north to south but averaging only about 120 miles across.
political institutions
In politics and law, as in conquest, the Romans took a practical approach and fashioned ________ in response to problems as they arose.
________ was made a Roman province in 148 B. to teach the Greeks a lesson, and Greece was placed under the control of the Roman governor of Macedonia.
Greek models
________ affected virtually every area of Roman life, from literature and philosophy to religion and education.
Although the Apennines bisect ________, they are less rugged than the mountain ranges of Greece and so did not divide the peninsula into many small isolated communities.
________ also possessed considerably more productive farmland than Greece, enabling it to support a large population.
The Greeks and the Etruscans
Other peoples had also settled in Italy, the two most notable being ________.
________ lies just west of the toe of the boot-shaped peninsula.
Tiber River
Located 18 miles inland on the ________, Rome had access to the sea but was far enough inland to be safe from pirates.
Roman Republic
The ________ possessed a number of popular assemblies.
Punic Wars
During the ________, Rome had become acutely aware of the Hellenistic states of the eastern Mediterranean when the king of Macedonia made an alliance with Hannibal after the Roman defeat at Cannae.
Eventually, a complete amalgamation of Greek and Roman religion occurred, giving the Romans and the Greeks essentially the same ________ religion.
Some felt that after the destruction of ________, the Romans no longer had any strong enemies to challenge them.
Optimates and Populares
________ were terms of political rhetoric that were used by individuals within the aristocracy against fellow aristocratic rivals to distinguish one set of tactics from another.
After conducting a reign of terror to wipe out all opposition, ________ revised the constitution to restore power to the senate.