Population growth
________ increased disparity between rich and poor.
________ transported other cities products from east to west.
________ reduced population pressure on city and provided markets for grain and manufactured goods.
________ adopted artisanal and architectural techniques from neighboring cultures (especially Crete and Hittites)
Major increase
________ in population was the first sign of radical change in Greece.
________ established colonies in what is today Ukraine, Italy, North Africa, Spain, and France.
________: large territorial units called in which people lived.
Archaic Age
The political, social and cultural transformations that took place in the ________ took different forms across Greek world.
________ pushed a final constitutional reform that became the basis for Athenian democracy.
council of elders
State was governed by two hereditary kings and ________.
________ is a stark world of mountains and sea.
Persian Empire
________ began process of conquest and expansion west into Asia Minor.
________ were the source of reintroduction of writing.
Democratization of war
________ led to democratization of political life.
Minoan Crete
________ was a strongly stratified system in which the peasantry paid tribute in olive oil and other produce.
Corinthian pottery
________ appeared throughout western Greece and southern Italy.
Ionian Greeks
________ began to investigate origins and nature of the universe through observation by 6th century B.C.E.
________ was one of few Mycenaean cities to have escaped destruction t the start of the Dark Age.
innovative form of political organization
Polis: a more ________ which developed on shores of the Aegean and on the islands.
Athens united whole
________ surrounding region of Attica into single polis.
Persian victory
War took place and lasted five years, and ended in ________.
gods of Archaic Greece
The ________ were the same as those of the Mycenaeans.
________ supported the authority of social, political, and religious traditions.
________ led the Greek world in production of black figure pottery.
________ was governed by an oligarchy made up of major landowners.
The ________ and gods had an ambivalent, almost irreverent relationship.
________ and its wealth were ruled in typical Dark Age fashion until the middle of 7th century B.C.E.
Settlers from ________ founded Syracuse and other cities in Sicily and Italy.