Dondis clock
________ contained the signs of the zodiac but also struck on the hour.
Boniface VIII
________ asserted his position in a series of papal bulls or letters, the most important of which was Unam Sanctam, issued in 1302.
In ________, when Edward III, the king of England and duke of Gascony, refused to do homage to Philip VI for Gascony, the French king seized the duchy.
Middle Ages
Throughout most of the ________, time was deter- mined by natural rhythms or church bells that were rung at more or less regular three- hour intervals, corresponding to the ecclesiastical offices of the church.
English Parliament
The ________ passed the Statute of Laborers, which attempted to limit wages to preplague levels and forbid the mobility of peasants as well.
mechanical clock
The ________ was invented at the end of the thirteenth century but not perfected until the fourteenth.
Divine Comedy
Dantes masterpiece in the Italian vernacular was the ________, written between 1313 and 1321.
Although Latin remained the language of the church liturgy and the official documents of both church and state through- out Europe, the fourteenth century witnessed the rapid growth of vernacular literature, especially in ________.
mid fourteenth century
In the ________, the disaster known as the Black Death struck Asia, North Africa, and Europe.
peasant family
Born into a(n) ________, Giotto acquired his painting skills in a workshop in Florence.
Although ________ had no direct successors, Florentine painting in the early fifteenth century pursued even more dramatically the new direction his work represents.
popolo grasso
In 1293, the ________ assumed a dominant role in government by establishing a new constitution known as the Ordinances of Justice.
Henry III
In 1259, the English king, ________, had relinquished his claims to all the French territories previously held by the English monarchy except for one relatively small possession known as the duchy of Gascony.
Invented earlier by the Chinese, ________ also made its appearance in the West in the fourteenth century.
Black Death
The decline in the number of peasants after the ________ accelerated the process of converting labor services to rents, freeing peasants from the obligations of servile tenure and weakening the system of manorialism.
________ made castles, city walls, and armored knights obsolete.
As duke of ________, the English king pledged loyalty as a vassal to the French king.
Located in the fertile Po valley, at the intersection of the chief trade routes from Italian coastal cities to the Alpine passes, Milan was one of the richest city-states in ________.