________: when someone either refuses to respond to a survey question or is unavailable.
________ with placebo and treatment groups is sometimes called "the gold standard "because it is so effective.
________: what is the data talking about or referring to.
Nominal**: characterized by data that consists of ________, labels, or categories only.
Voluntary response samples
________ are typically seriously flawed due to the strong possibility of bias.
statistical analysis
Misleading conclusions: we should avoid making statements not justified by the ________.
________ involves consideration of the* context,* the* source* of data, and* sampling method.
Statistical significance
________: this is achieved in a study when we get a result that is very unlikely to occur by chance (typically <5 %)
Practical significance
________: it is possible that some treatment or finding is effective, but common sense may suggest that the treatment or finding does not make enough of a difference to justify its use.
data values
Ordinal: when the data can be arranged in some order, but differences (obtained through subtraction) between ________ either can not be determined or are meaningless.
Levels of measurement
________ are important because they tell us which computations and statistical methods are appropriate for that type of data.
Voluntary response sample
________(or self- selected sample): one in which the respondents themselves decide whether to be included.