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Nomadic hunters crossed the land bridge connecting Eurasia with North America in the area of the present-day Bering Sea between?
Siberia and Alaska
Where were the Incas located?
Where were the Mayans located?
Central America
Where were the Aztecs located?
What was the main crop?
Rio Grande Valley
What crops did the pueblo grow?
corn, beans, squash
In North America, there were no dense concentrations of Indian populations and no complex nation-states developed. What is the exception?
The Aztecs and Iroquois.
Indians were defeated because of the 3 D's. List them.
Disease, Disorganization, and Disposability.
What did women do?
Tend Crops
What did men do?
They hunted and gathered fuel
What kind of culture did they have? Patrilinear or Matrilinear?
What is Animism?
religion in which nature is worshipped; everything in nature has a spirit
What is three sister farming? this rich diet made possible healthy, dense populations (Creek, Choctaw and Cherokee in the Southeast)
corn, beans, squash.
Christopher Columbus ships
Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria
How many weeks at sea did christopher columbus spend and when did he land.
He spent 6 weeks at sea and landed on october 12, 1492.
What ship did the Portuguese develop?
The Caravel
the Old World gained?
Staple Crops
The New World gained?
New animals for food and beasts of burden.
Initial motive of Spanish exploration?
The Spanish needed wealth to grow the nation.
They came to conquer and were therefore called?
The Spanish came to find?
Land and Gold
who became the dominant colonizing power in the 1500s.
Most of the New World land went to?
Vasco da Gama reached India when?
Bartholomeu Dias rounded the Cape of Good Hope when?
This slave labor and trade becomes the origins of the
modern plantation system
Portuguese Set up trading posts for why?
Gold and Slaves
Portuguese Set up trading posts along where?
African Shore
What did Hernan Cortes do?
Conquered the Aztecs
Why did disease kill so much of the native population?
they had no natural resistance to the European diseases?
How much of the native population did disease kill?
When did the encomienda come to a legal end?
Why was the encomienda system created?
to control and regulate American Indian labor and behavior during the colonization of the Americas.
What is the encomienda system?
Spanish gov't gave Indians
to colonists as labor in return the Spanish promised to convert the Indians to Christianity. What system were the natives enslaved by?
Why were the conquistadors successful?
They had superior numbers and technology.
What Did Francisco Pizarro do?
Conquered the Incas
Goal of Spanish
Convert and/or Destroy the natives
When did John Smith return to england
What was John Smiths valuable rule in the colony
If you don't work, you don't eat.
who emerged as Jamestown's only strong leader
John Smith
What were the early troubles of the colonists
Didn't know how to live in the woods or farm, didn't do manual labor, governing was ineffective.
When was Jamestown established?
In 1606 King James granted a (Blank) to (Blank). Answer like (apples, bananas) no parenthesis.
When did Sir walter Raleigh return to roanoke?
Why couldn't Sir Walter Raleigh come back to Roanoke fast enough?
The war with spain
Why did Sir Walter Raleigh go back to england
Sir Walter Raleigh sent how many people to colonize Roanoke?
Primogeniture is
the firstborn son inherits everything
Economic depression is
unemployment and surplus population
English merchants could trade and colonize without government financing through what?
Joint-Stock Companies
who saw colonies in America as a new market for manufactured goods.
English Merchants.
Tenant farmers were forced from the land and saw America as a chance for a better life, why?
The enclosure movement.
Who tried to establish a colony off of Newfoundland's coast?
Sir Humphrey Gilbert
Who was a famous Sea Dog?
Sir Francis Drake
Sea dogs did what?
Loot ships
What did america have to offer?
Competition with spain and freedom from rligious persecution.
were spain and england ever allies?
yes, before the reformation.
What did the French find instead of the Northwest Passage?
Valuable fishing waters and opportunity to trade for furs.
the Northwest Passage is?
northern route through North America to the Pacific Ocean and on to the Spice Islands.
The French begin to explore the New World in search of
The Northwest Passage.
Las Casas criticized
the Spanish desire for wealth at the expense of the natives.
Pueblo Revolt (aka Popé's Rebellion) 1680
Pueblo rebels destroyed every Catholic church in the province and killed many priests and hundreds of Spanish settlers
a new race of mixed Indian and Spanish children was created
What is the combo that caused a crisis
Not enough food, No strong leadership, Colonists stole from Indians, Indians attacked.
When was "Starving Time"
Winter of 1609-1610
What did John Rolfe do and who did he marry? (blank),(Blank) no parenthesis in answer <3.
He experimented with tobacco, he married Pocahontas
What did the VA Company do that led to large numbers of indentured servants?
Gave 50 acres of land to anyone who came or paid passage for someone to come to Jamestown.
What are Cavaliers?
supporters of the king
In 1619, three important things took place in Jamestown:
Single women came to town, Africans came as indentured servants against their will, House of Burgesses met.
Who was maryland a haven for?
When was Maryland established?
Who was Maryland established by?
Lord Baltimore
What was the At of Toleration?
toleration for all Christians who accept the Trinity, but death penalty to atheists and Jews who denied Christ's divinity
What did the Barbados Slave Code of 1661 do?
It provided a legal base for slavery in the Caribbean island of Barbados.
When was the Barbados Slave code adopted by South Carolina?
When was Charles II restored to throne
when Charles II was restored to throne what did he do? (2 things friend)
granted charters to 8 aristocrats to found colonies in North America, established close ties to the West Indies
What became the main export
Indian Slaves
Emergence of North Carolina
Made up of poverty-stricken outcasts and religious dissenters from VA, Separated in 1712
North Carolina and Rhode Island share 2 traits:
Most democratic and open-minded colonies, Least aristocratic colonies
Georgia founded when by who? (Year, Person) No parenthesis in answer.
1733, James Oglethorpe
What was georgia founded as?
A penal colony.