Tertiary activities
________ consist of business and labor specialties that provide services to the primary and secondary sectors, to the general community, and to individuals.
________ and service are broad and imprecise terms that are not limited to the number of activities.
old fashion location theories
The ________ are less effective for explaining the location of high- technology research, development, and manufacturing activities.
economic development
The offshoring of less- skilled production and assembly tasks has spurred the ________ of newly industrializing countries.
locational controls
The ________ for tertiary enterprises are simpler than those for the manufacturing sector.
Industrial locational decisions
________ are based not on a single factor, but on the interplay of a number of considerations.
Intensity of spatial interaction
________ decreases with increasing the separation of places.
behavior of individual firms
The ________ seeking production sites under competitive market conditions.
Political factors
________ affect the location decision process.
Supply of consumer services
________ must match the spatial distribution of effective demand.
locational behaviors
It does not account for the ________ that are uncontrolled by "factors, "directed by national or regional economic development planning goals or influenced by new production technologies and corporate structures.