________ wastes often contain infectious agents that cause waterborne diseases such as.
________ is constantly being formed by the physical and chemical decomposition of rock material and by the decay of organic matter.
________ produce garbage and other municipal waste at a rate of about 2 kilograms per person per day.
Air pollution
________ is the cause of the destruction of the Earths ozone layer.
Self- contained, self- regulating, and interacting communities adapted to local combinations of climate, topography, soil, and ________ conditions.
Human activities
________ have increased the concentrations of three greenhouse gases.
Spatial interaction
________ among regions did not halt the creation of distinctive regional subsystems of culture.
________ have significantly altered the chemical composition of the atmosphere.
________ come primarily from burning fossil fuels.
________ plays a critical role in moderating the Earths climate.
Ozone problems
________ lead to greater exposure to UV radiation and it increases the incidence of skin cancer and, by suppressing bodily defense mechanisms, increases risk from a variety of infectious diseases.
Solid wastes
________ are generally landfills or incineration.
Human impact
________ on the environment has shifted scales from the local or regional to the continental and global scales.
radioactive wastes
10 percent of industrial waste materials are hazardous chemical or ________.
________ are negatively affecting the arid and semiarid regions of the world.
Air pollution
________ is a global problem today.
________ have transformed the Earths landscapes since the end of the last glaciation.