mineral particles
Weathering causes ________ to combine with living organisms and humus.
In ________, legume crops are cycled with other crops to replenish soil nitrogen.
________ are mutualistic fungi- root connections.
Plant roots
________ take nutrients from the earth.
absorb water
Mycorrhizae's fungal hyphae ________ and minerals, which they then pass on to their plant hosts.
________ is a diverse environment teeming with bacteria, fungus, protists, animals, and plant roots.
________ are fed by the soil solution, which is made up of water and dissolved minerals in the pores between soil particles.
atmospheric N2
Nitrogen- fixing bacteria convert ________ to nitrogenous minerals, which plants can use as a nitrogen source in organic synthesis.
Mechanical fracture
________ is caused by water freezing in rock fissures, and chemical fracturing is caused by weak acids in the soil.
________ get their energy from the rhizosphere, a microorganism- rich ecosystem that is tightly linked to roots.
________ get the majority of their nitrogen via bacterial breakdown of humus and gaseous nitrogen- fixing.