FDR elected by a landslide; not because of his policies, but because everyone wanted to vote against Hoover,
FDR was not known for politics until his presidency.
New Deal brings more reform to the government more than ever.
First term makes FDR one of the most popular presidents of all time.
Nobody knows that FDR is in a wheelchair, so during the party after his inauguration, he stays at the White House and says he’s working on the Bank Holiday.
Banks use money to invest, while keeping some for general transactions.
When everybody tries to withdraw after The Great Depression begins, the banks run out of money that they can give out.
FDR made Bank Holidays, meaning all banks are closed for a certain period of time.
Healthy banks reopen, unsure banks take time to reopen, and dead banks close down.
Glass Steagall Act reopens banks and makes the FDIC.
Spreads New Deal policies throughout the world
Somewhat formal, but not really - formal information was treated informally
Wants to get started on New Deal policies during his Lame Duck period
FDR says no; a) doesn’t want Hoover to get any credit, b) if it fails his reputation will be ruined before his presidency begins, c) doesn’t think the depression is his problem yet.
FDR isn’t a very honest person, but his efforts definitely helped make the Great Depression easier, although not truely improving anything.
Initiative made by FDR
Gives monetary compensation to retirees(only if they’re 65, and a certain number of years are worked) and disadvantaged people
Controversial because eligibility was dependent on the state you live in; This would result in things like the exlusion of minorities
Paycheck cuts in favor of those retiring
August 14th, 1935
Is part of reform and recovery
FDR (president, part of it because it’s a part of the New Deal), and Joe Kennedy (First chairman)
Regulates the stock market, provides protection for investors; Commission is made by the Securities and Exchange Act
June 6th, 1934
Stock Market had a lot of problems at this time, such as trading being done secretly, companies having monopolies on insider info; the SEC stops this, and is important