Chapter 10: The Later Middle Ages, 1300-1500
Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453)
Philip VI became king of France (first of the Valois line to be king)
Henry VI became King of France after Philip VI
French defeated English in final battle of Hundred Years’ War
Black Death (1347-1450)
Around half of Europe’s population died due to the Black Death
Carried by the fleas of infected rats
Arrived on merchant ship in 1347
The cause, transmission, and cure wasn’t known until the late 1800s
Preachers saw it as divine punishment for sins while others blamed Jews
Eliminated labor surplus
Upper classes were hurt by the economy after the plague
English peasants revolted against the government as it had tried to collect a new poll tax in 1381
The power of Papacy declined in the late Middle Ages
Great Schism (1378-1417)