The processing of natural ores to produce metals for ornaments and weapons and the use of embalming fluids are just two applications of chemical phenomena that were utilized prior to 1000 B.C
The Greeks were the first to try to explain why chemical changes occur
They proposed that all matter was composed of four fundamental substances: fire, air, water, and earth
Since the Greeks had no experiments to test their ideas, no conclusion could be reached about the divisibility of matter
The foundations of modern chemistry were laid in the sixteenth century with the development of systematic metallurgy by Georg Bauer
The first chemist to perform truly quantitative experiments were Robert Boyle
In his view, a substance was an element unless it could be broken down into two or simpler substances
He clung to the alchemists’ views that metals were not true elements and that away would eventually be found to change one metal onto another
The phenomenon of combustion evoked intense interest in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Joseph Priestly was found to support vigorous combustion and was thus supposed to be low in phlogiston
The gases carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, and oxygen have been discovered in the eighteenth century
Antoine Lavoisier weighed the reactants and products of various reactions, in which he suggested that mass is neither created nor destroyed
Lavoisier’s verification of this law of conservation of mass was the basis for the developments in chemistry in the nineteenth century
He discovered that life was supported by a process that also involved oxygen and was similar in many ways to combustion
When the French Revolution broke out, Lavoisier had been executed on the guillotine as an enemy of the people in 1794
Chemistry was dominated by scientists who followed Lavoisier lead by weighed experiments to study the course of chemical reactions and determine the composition of chemical compounds
Dalton’s Theory:
Each element is made up of tiny particles called atoms
The atoms of a given element are identical; the atoms of different elements are different in some fundamental ways
Chemical compounds are formed when atoms of different elements combine with each other. A given compound always has the same relative numbers and types of atoms
Chemical reactions involve reorganization of the atoms
Dalton prepared the first table of atomic masses which were incorrect assumptions, but was an important step forward
Avogadro’s hypothesis: At the same temperature and pressure, equal volumes of different gases contain the same number of particles
Unfortunately, Avogadro’s interpretations were not accepted by most chemists and many different assumptions were made about formulas and atomic masses
Painstaking measurements were made of the masses of various elements that combined to form compounds
The first important experiments that led to an understanding of the composition of the atom were done by J.J Thomson
Thomson found that when high voltage was applied to the tube, a ray he called cathode ray, was produced
He postulated that the ray was a stream of negatively charged particles now called electrons
He reasoned that since electrons could be produced from electrodes made of various types of metals, all atoms must contain electrons
Thomson furthered assumed that atoms also must contain some positive charge
Nuclear atom: an atom with a dense center of positive charge with electrons moving around the nucleus at a distance that is large relative to the nuclear radius
The simplest view of the atom is that it consists of a tiny nucleus and electrons that move about the nucleus at an average distance of about 10^-8 cm from it
The nucleus is assumed to contain protons and neutrons
Two striking things about the nucleus are its small size compared with the overall size of the atom and its extremely high density
The number of electrons possessed by a given atom affects its ability to interact with other atoms
The atoms of different elements show different chemical behavior
The atomic number is written as a subscript and the mass number is written as a superscript
Isotopes show almost identical chemical properties and most elements in nature contain isotopes
2.6 Molecules and Ions
Molecules can be represented in several different ways
The simplest method is the chemical formula, in which the symbols of the elements are used to indicate the types of atoms present, and subscripts are used to indicate the relative numbers of atoms
Examples of molecules that contain covalent bonds are hydrogen, water, oxygen, ammonia, and methane
Structural formulas may or may not indicate the actual shape of the molecule
An ion is an atom or group of atoms
The best known ionic compound is common table salt, or sodium chloride, which forms when neutral chloride and sodium react
Cation: positive ion
Anion: negative ion
Ionic bonding: the force of attraction between oppositely charged ions
Ionic solids can consist of simple ions, as in sodium chloride, or of polyatomic ions
2.7 An Introduction to the Periodic Table
The Periodic table shows all the known elements and gives a good deal of information about each
Most of the elements are metals
Metals have characteristic physical properties such as efficient conduction of heat and electricity, malleability, and ductility
Metals tend to lose electrons to form positive ions
Nonmetals lack the physical properties that characterize the metals
They tend to gain electrons in reactions with metals to form negative ions
Nonmetals often bond with each other by forming covalent bonds
Chlorine is a typical nonmetal
All of the alkali metals members of Group 1A are very active elements that readily form ions with a 1+ charge when they react with nonmetals
The alkaline earth metals of Group 2A form ions with a 2+ charge when they react with nonmetals
The halogens, the members of group 7A, all react with metals to form salts containing ions with a 1- charge
The noble gases of Group 8A exist under normal conditions as monatomic gases and have little chemical reactivity
Periods: The horizontal rows of elements in the periodic table
****The solution is to adopt a system for naming compounds in which the name tells something about the composition of the compound
Binary compounds: compounds composed of two elements
The rules of following binary ionic compounds are: The cation is always named first and the anion second
A monatomic cation takes its name from the name of the element
A monatomic anion is named by taking the root of the element name and adding -ide
In the binary ionic compounds, the metal presents forms only a single type of cation
Oxyanions: Several series of anions contain an atom of a given element and different numbers of oxygen atoms
Binary covalent compounds are formed between two nonmetals
In the naming of binary covalent compounds, the rules apply: The first element in the formula is named first, using the full element name
The second element is named as if it were an anion
Prefixes are used to denote the numbers of atoms present
The prefix mono- is never used for naming the first element
Prefixes to indicate the number of atoms are used only in type 3 binary compounds
An acid can be viewed as a molecule with one or more H+ ions attached to an anion
If the anion does not contain oxygen, the acid is named with the prefix hydro- and the suffix -ic
When the anion contains oxygen, the acidic name is formed from the root name of the anion with a suffix of -ic or -ous