arrest: take them to the police station
question: ask them questions to find out what they know
charged with: the police make an official statement that they belive the person commited the crime
go to court: to start a lawsuit
trial: the legal process in court whereby an accused person is investugated and the found guilty or not
are tried: they have a casa judged in court, their case is tried
case: crime
courtroom: a room in which a court is held
defendant or accused: person charged with crime
prove: provide facts to show something is true
pleading not guilty: swearing in court that you are innocent
lawyer: attorney, barrister
prosecute: argue against the defendant
jury: group of twelve citizens who decide whether the defendant is guilty or innocent
evidence: information about the crime, for and against the defendant.
conclusive proof: information or documents that show something is true
veredict: the final decision of jury