Second Industrial Revolution
Fueled chemical and electrical industries
Allowed Europe to embrace a “mass culture”
Countries without strong coal and iron resources were able to industrialize
Rate of urbanization continued to boom (1872-1914)
“Great Depression” of 19th century (1873-1914)
Cartels: firms working together to set price and production levels
European industrialization had distinct geographical regions
North and West: industrial
South and East: agricultural
In England in 1900, the declining standard of living led to the development of trade unions
Liberals were forced to reform due to Fabian Society and Labor Party
Third French Republic
Created single national culture
Dreyfus Affair (1894)
Example of Nationalism leading to xenophobia
Vienna was the center and capital of the Austrian Empire
Women were removed from public roles in the 19th century
Denied educational and economical opportunities
Unequal divorce rights
Middle class women started to push for equal rights
Most feminists were women, but most women weren’t feminists
Popular support and politics became model for change
Germany had the biggest Women’s Socialist movement
Zionism: Jewish nationalist movement with the purpose of creating a free and independent Jewish state in the Palestine area
Anarchism mostly affected western Europe
All political movements were temporarily stopped by the War of 1914
Social Sciences: Archaeology, Economy, History, Psychology, Criminology, and Biological Determinism
“New Women”
Reaction against cult of domesticity