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How to Search for Notes

Discovering Notes

  • Step 1: Exploring New Notes

  • Gif: Have a gif clicking the Explore page button (Explore Page.gif)

  • Body: Looking for notes? Click on the Explore Page to browse our growing database of notes. Easily navigate by subject or textbook!

  • Step 2: Search with smart suggestions

  • Gif: Have a Gif typing and using the suggestions (Smart Suggestions.gif)

  • Body: If you’re looking for specific topics,  use the Search Bar to easily search the title of different topics, textbooks and ISBNs 🔍

  • Step 3: Explore by Subjects

  • Gif: Highlights the Subjects Section (Explore by Subject.gif)

  • Body: We’ve grouped subjects together in blocks so you can easily find and jump into what you need.

  • Step 4: Using Filter

  • Gif: Have a Gif that on one of the topics at the top and process to click and open a note (Leave GIF Blank for now)

  • Body: There are a variety of filters like topics, exams, school, grades, etc. to help you find exactly what you’re looking for 🌟

  • Step 5: Textbooks

  • Gif: Click on textbook subject slider to show catalog (Textbook Catalog.gif)

  • Body: We have a large library of textbooks organized by subject which each contain notes by chapter!

How to Search for Notes

Discovering Notes

  • Step 1: Exploring New Notes

  • Gif: Have a gif clicking the Explore page button (Explore Page.gif)

  • Body: Looking for notes? Click on the Explore Page to browse our growing database of notes. Easily navigate by subject or textbook!

  • Step 2: Search with smart suggestions

  • Gif: Have a Gif typing and using the suggestions (Smart Suggestions.gif)

  • Body: If you’re looking for specific topics,  use the Search Bar to easily search the title of different topics, textbooks and ISBNs 🔍

  • Step 3: Explore by Subjects

  • Gif: Highlights the Subjects Section (Explore by Subject.gif)

  • Body: We’ve grouped subjects together in blocks so you can easily find and jump into what you need.

  • Step 4: Using Filter

  • Gif: Have a Gif that on one of the topics at the top and process to click and open a note (Leave GIF Blank for now)

  • Body: There are a variety of filters like topics, exams, school, grades, etc. to help you find exactly what you’re looking for 🌟

  • Step 5: Textbooks

  • Gif: Click on textbook subject slider to show catalog (Textbook Catalog.gif)

  • Body: We have a large library of textbooks organized by subject which each contain notes by chapter!