Physics - Electricity Lessons 1-12

Physics - Electricity Lessons 1-12

Lesson 1 - Static electricity


  • Study of static electric charge 

  • All matter is made up of extremely tiny particles called atoms

  • Atoms are made up of three subatomic particles 

    • Protons with a positive charge

    • Neutrons with a neutral charge 

    • Electrons with a negative charge but also can be transferred 


Neutral atom 

  • 6 electrons shown

  • No electric charge 

  • Thus 6 protons 

May form an ion 

  • Gain electrons which are negative

    • Anion

  • Lose electrons that are positive 

    • Cation 

Static electricity 

  • A stationary electric charge 

  • Created when the atoms make up an object gain or lose electrons 

    • Become ions 

Electric charges 

  • Positive charge 

    • Attracts negative and neutral objects 

  • Negative charge 

    • Attracts positive and neutral charge 

  • Neutral or uncharged 

    • Attracts positive and negative objects 

Law of electric charges 

  • Like charges repel one another 

  • Unlike charges attract one another 

Creating an electrostatic charge (3 ways)

  • Friction

  • Direct contact

  • Induction 

Transferring electrical charges 


  • An object rubs against another transferring object charge 

  • Example- rubbing a balloon with a piece of silk 

Tendency to be static

  • An electric charge that stays where the friction occurred on the charged object 

Direct contact 

  • Object touches another transferring charge 

  • Example- a negatively charged person touching a neutral door knob

Charging by induction- temporary 

  • A charged object approaches a neutral object 

  • Causing the similar charge in the neutral object to move in an opposing direction 

  • Thus causing a temporary charge 

  • For example - a negatively charged balloon approaches a neutral charged wall

The electrostatic series 

  • List of objects or materials ranking their ability to lose electrons 

    • The higher on the list the object is more likely to lose electrons 

      • To become positively charged 

  • Friction between objects causes the transfer of electrons 


  • If you rub together a rubber balloon and your hair, how will electrons travel 

  • Since hair is higher on the list it will lose electrons 

    • Hair is positive 

    • Balloon is negative 

human skin


rabbit fur






cat fur


















  • Electrons are trapped on individual atoms

  • If you add electrons to the atoms they will stay there

  • Removed only by contact with materials less likely to hold electrons 


  • Electrons can move freely between atoms on the object 

  • When electrons are added they will flow through the object to the area of the greatest positive character 

  • Used as grounds

    • Ground wire 

  • Allows electrons to enter or leave to neutralize object 


Good: silver, copper, gold, aluminum, magnesium, tungsten, nickel, mercury, platinum, iron

Fair: graphite (carbon), nichrome, the human body, damp skin, acid solutions, saltwater, Earth, water vapour

Lesson 2 - Charging by friction


  • Unequal number of positive and negative charges 

Charging by friction 

  • Transferring an electric charge from one substance to another by rubbing action 

  • Example- walking across carpet wearing socks 

Review - Atomic structure 

  • Protons say in the nucleus 

    • They don’t move

  • Electrons are free to move

    • They can be transferred to different objects 

  • Example- coming hair with a plastic comb

    • Electrons were transferred while protons stayed in their original positions 

    • The comb had a stronger attraction for electrons than hair

Electrostatic series 

  • Can be used to determine the kind of electric charge produces when two substances are rubbed together

Chart of electrostatic series 

How does it work?

  • The top of the list has a weaker hold on electrons 

    • The objects want to give away their electrons 

  • Electrons are negatively charged 

    • If the object gives away negative it becomes positively charged

  • The bottom of the list has a stronger hold on electrons 

  • Objects want to keep their electrons 

    • They will attract any other electros from other objects with weaker abilities 

  • Electrons are negatively charged if it adds more to it then it will stay as negatively charged 

  • For example - if silk and acetate are rubbed together 

    • Silk has a stronger hold on electrons 

    • Electrons are transferred from the acetate to the silk

Lesson 3 - Insulator and conductors


  • Is a substance in which electrons cannot move freely from atom to atom

  • Gains electrons it becomes negatively charged 

  • The charge will continue to build-up 

  • Used to protect us from electric shock

Examples of insulators 

  • Oil 

  • Wood

  • Glass

  • Plastic

  • Rubber


  • Is a substance in which electrons move freely from one atom to another

  • If the conductor is charged with extra electrons 

    • They will move freely along the conductor 

Examples of conductors 

  • Copper

  • Aluminum 

  • Gold

  • Platinum

  • Saltwater

  • Human body

A good insulator is a poor conductor

  • Example - wires 

  • Conductor = aluminum or copper wire

  • Insulator = rubber or plastic layer

Discharging objects 

  • Objects can become charged with excess electrons

  • When electrons are removed from the object 

    • They are discharged or neutralized 

  • Several ways of doing this 

    • Grounding - once connected to the earth, the earth can take all extra electrons 

      • Rapid grounding results in sparks

    • Discharge at the point - electrons repelled until they reach a point and repelled into air

Lesson 4 - Current Electricity and Circuits

What is current electricity 

Static electricity 

  • Electrons build up in one place 

  • Move randomly 

  • Can travel short distances by discharge 

Current electricity

  • Electrons flow through a conductor 

  • Move-in a controlled way 

  • Can travel long distances 

Electron flow in a conductor 

  • For an electron to flow, a source of energy is needed 

  • Example - battery 

    • When it is charged, electrons will flow

    • When it is dead, electrons don’t flow

Conductors and insulators 


  • Materials that allow electrons to flow easily 

    • Examples- 

    • Metals

    • Saltwater

    • People

    • Animals


  • Materials that don’t let electrons flow easily 

  • Examples -

  • Rubber

  • Plastic

  • Fabric

  • Glass

  • Wool

  • Wood

Electric circuits 

  • Is a continuous path for electrons to flow

  • Example- electrically moving through a wire

Incomplete circuit/ open circuit 

Complete circuit/ closed circuit 

Components of a circuitElectricity - Lessons - Tes Teach

  • The simple circuit consists of…

  • Source

  • Connectors

  • Control devices

  • Loads


  • The energy source is the beginning of the electric circuit pathway 

    • Gives electrons a push

  • Electrons leave through the negative end of the source

    • It will return to the positive end

    • Basically, they will go in a circle!


  • Are conductors such as wires

  • Usually made of copper and aluminum

  • Join all parts of an electric circuit together

Control devices 

  • Manage the flow of electrons

  • Example - switch for a light bulb

  • Switch is ON

    • Circuit is closed

    • Complete path for electrons flow

    • Energy lights up the light bulb

  • Switch is OFF

    • Circuit is open

    • Incomplete path for electron flow

    • Bulb will not light up


  • Is a device that transforms electrical energy into other usable forms of energy 

  • Examples

  • Light bulb - light energy

  • Heater - heat energy

  • Speaker - sound energy

  • Fan - mechanical energy

Short circuit 

  • Occurs when the electric current has found a shorter path to return the source without going through an appropriate load 

  • This causes the battery to become dangerously hot

  • Could cause the battery to burst 

Sources of electrical energy 

Comes from different sources

  • Electric cells 

  • Portable devices that convert chemical energy into electrical energy 

  • Example - batteries 

  • Non-rechargeable is called primary cells 

    • When chemical reactions stop, the battery is dead 

  • Rechargeable is called secondary cells

    • These batteries last much longer than primary cells

  • Fuel cells 

    • Special kind of electric cell that continually produces electricity along as a fuel source is provided 

    • Example - hydrogen 

Electric VS fuel cell vehicles 

  • Electric vehicles

    • Energy is stored in batteries to power one or more electric motors 

  • Fuel cell vehicles 

    • Hydrogen is stored in a fuel cell in the car 

    • Reacts with oxygen from the air to create electricity

Lesson 5 - Series and parallel circuits 

Circuit diagrams 

  • Is a way of drawing an electric circuit using standard symbols 

  • Negative and positive signs are used to identify the two terminals of an energy source 

Cell vs battery

  • Cell 

    • Is a single unit that converts chemical energy into electrical energy

  • Battery

    • Is a collection of cells

    • 9 volt battery is actually a collection of 6 1.5 volt cells wrapped together

Series vs parallel circuits 

  • Most circuits are used in everyday life have more than one load 

  • The loads may be connected in 2 ways

Series circuits 

  • Loads are connected in a chain that forms a loop

  • Electrons flow one path

  • Loads are connected one after the other in a chain that forms a continuous loop

  • All electrical devices must be on or off at the same time

  • Example - flashlights, cordless tools

Parallel circuits

  • Loads are connected on different branches of wires

  • Electrons flow in more than one way

  • Loads are on at least 2 different branches of wires that connect to an energy source

  • Each electrical device can be on or off with the same circuit 

  • Examples - household wiring, stereo speakers 

Series or parallel 

  • A good example of examining circuit types is to remove 1 Christmas tree bulb from a string of lights 

  • If the entire string of lights goes off

    • Is a series circuit 

  • If remaining lights stay on after one is removed

    • Parallel circuit 

Simple circuit diagrams 

  • The switch can go anywhere as long as it makes sense

  • The battery can go anywhere but keep it on the outside for parallel circuits 

  • Certain types of batteries are called dry cells

Lesson 6 - Electric current 

Electric current 

  • For any electrical device to operate

    • There must be a flow of electrons 

  • When electrons flow through a conductor 

    • It is said to constitute an electric current 

  • Electric current is the rate of electron flow in a circuit 

  • The faster the electric charges travel through the conductor 

    • The greater the current

  • Electric current is measured in amperes (amps)

Measuring current 

  • When an electrical circuit stops working

  • An electrician is called 

  • Electrician use an ammeter to measure the current flowing through different loads on a circuit


  • Must be connected in series with a load to measure the current flowing through the loads 

  • Ensures that all the electrons that flow through the load (ex. lamp) will also flow through it

Safety with electric current 

  • Very large currents can damage ;electrical devices 

    • Causing a electrical fire

  • This is why every home has a distribution panel with circuit breakers 

    • Fuses in older homes 

  • Too much current going through the circuit breaker causes it to trip 

    • Behave like an open switch so that no current can flow through it

Lesson 7 - Potential difference 

Potential energy 

  • Is the stored energy an object has because of its position or state 


  • Bicycle on top of a hill

  • Book held over your head 

  • Stretched elastic band 

Kinetic energy 

  • Is the energy of motion

  • When potential energy is used it is converted into kinetic energy

  • You can think of potential energy as kinetic energy waiting to happen

Model of potential energy 

  • For centuries people have used the energy of falling water to push waterwheels 

  • Is possible 

    • Water above the wheel has more gravitational potential energy than it does below the wheel

    • As the water falls, it moves from an area of high potential energy to an area of low potential energy 

Potential difference 

  • Similar to the flow of water 

  • Electric charges will flow from a point of higher potential to a point of lower potential 

  • This difference in electric potential between 2 points in a circuit is known as the potential difference

  • We often refer to potential difference as voltage 

Electron flow in a battery 

  • In battery

    • Electrons flow from the negative electrode ( higher potential energy) to the positive electrode (lower potential energy)

Measuring potential difference 

  • When an electrician, technician, or engineer troubleshoots a circuit

    • The voltage, as well as the current at different parts of the circuit, must be measured 

    • A voltmeter is used to measure potential difference 

Voltmeter vs ammeter 

  • The voltmeter must be connected in parallel with a load or an energy source

  • The ammeter must be connected in series 

  • The reason for this is voltage is relative to two points 

  • There is always a drop in voltage across a load or energy source

  • Example

    • To measure the voltage across the lamp in the figure shown

      • Connect the voltmeter in parallel with the lamp

    • The negative side of the battery is connected to the negative side of the voltmeter

Lesson 8 - Resistance 

Resistance in circuits 

  • Is the opposite of electrical conductivity 

  • Is the ability of a material to resist the flow of electrons as they move through a circuit 

  • Uses the symbol R for resistance

  • Is measured in ohms (Ω)

Model for resistance

  • Example of kicking a soccer ball

  • If the ball is on a smooth, hard surface like pavement the ball will roll easily

  • If the ball is on a rough surface like tall grass, you would have to kick the ball much harder just to make it roll

  • In the same way

    • Electrons flow through a material that might be smooth or rough

Internal resistance 

  • All materials have some of this

  • Greater resistance lowers the current 

  • The warmer the material becomes when current flows through it

  • This happens because

    • Electrons move through the material they bump into the atoms that make up the material

  • The material becomes warm because electrical energy is being converted into thermal energy 

  • Many devices that we use everyday use materials with high internal resistance

  • Example- toaster consists of nichrome wires

    • Which have a high internal resistance

  • The electrical energy through the wires gets converted into light (the red glow) and thermal energy

  • Thermal energy is what toasts the bread

Factors that affect resistance

Type of material

  • Materials are good conductors have a low internal resistance 

    • Example - copper wire, electrons flow freely 

Thickness of material 

  • Thicker the conducting wire, the more room for electrons to flow, less internal resistance

Length of material 

  • The longer the wire, the greater the internal resistance, the electrons have to travel through more material

Temperature of material 

  • Resistance increases as temperature increases

Resistance in circuits 

  • When electrons move through an electrical circuit 

    • They meet up with a load (ex. light bulb) causing resistance

    • Tries to stop the flow of electrons

  • Resistance from the bulb converts the electric current into heat energy

  • Filament becomes so hot that it glows

  • Conversion of energy causes electrons to lose much of their energy

  • Is called voltage drop 

    • Voltage is lost or dropped across a conductor 

Measuring resistance

  • Just as current and voltage are useful quantities to measure when troubleshooting a circuit, so is resistance 

  • Ohmmeter measure resistance

  • Ohmmeters are placed in parallel with a load

Resistors in circuit 

  • The resistor is any electrical device that reduces the current in a circuit

  • Examples 

    • Dimmer switches

    • 3-way lamps 

    • Volume controls on stereos 

    • Internet modems 

    • Cell phones Choose the symbol of variable resistance:

Lesson 9 - Ohm's law

Ohm's law

  • Is the mathematical relationship between the current, potential difference (voltage) and resistance

Ohm’s law states

  • If the voltage increases, the current increases

  • If the resistance decreases, the current increases

V is the voltage

is the current

R is the resistance

How does it work

  • An electric circuit is formed when a conductive path is created to allow free electrons to continuously move

  • Force that is motivating the flow of electrons is called voltage

  • It is a specific measure of potential energy that is always relative between two points

  • Free electrons tend to move through conductors with some degree of friction, or opposition to motion called resistance

Applying ohm’s law

  • Using this law we are able to analyze electric circuits

  • If you know any two values, you can analyze the third one

Lesson 10 - Kirchhoff's laws 

Total resistance

  • If you have a circuit with 1 load the total resistance of the circuit will be different than if you have 2 or more of those loads connected in series or parallel

  • The current flowing through a circuit with multiple loads will be less than the current flowing through a circuit with 1 load

  • Adding more loads to a circuit increases the total resistance of the circuit 

    • This affects the intensity of light bulbs in the circuit

  • As more bulbs are added, the dimmer the light bulbs will glow because there is less current going to each bulb

  • However, all the bulbs in each arrangement will glow the same

Kirchhoff’s laws

  • These laws explain the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance, as they apply to series and parallel circuits

  • Current law

    • All current that enters a loop, exit that loop

  • Voltage law

    • The sum of the voltage within a loop equals the voltage at the source

Series circuit 

  • No matter how many loads are connected in series, there is only one path that the current can follow

  • If one light bulb goes out, the remaining light bulbs go out

Series circuit - current 

  • Current is the same between any 2 points measured total = I= I= I3, where I is the current measured in amps.

Series circuit - voltage 

  • The voltage at the course will equal the sum of the voltages across all loads

  • Vtotal =  V+ V+ V3 , where V is the voltage measured in volts.

Math formulas 

  • It is easier to simplify these formulas when using then in tactical applications

  • You will have to rearrange the formulas as needed for each circuit problem

Example for series circuit - math

Parallel circuit 

  • When you connect loads in parallel, there are multiple paths the current can follow 

  • If one light bulb goes out, the remaining light bulbs stay lit

Parallel circuit - current

  • The current is the sum of all current at each junction 

  • Itotal =  I+ I+ I3, where "I" is the current measured in amps.

Parallel circuit - voltage 

  • The voltage at the course will be the same across all loads

  • Vtotal =  V= V= V3 , where V is the voltage measured in volts.

Math formulas 

  • Is it easier to simplify these formulas when using them in practical applications?

  • You will have to rearrange the formulas as needed for each circuit problem

Lesson 11 - Current and voltage analogies 

Electric current 

  • Is the rate of flow of electrons in a circuit

  • Current can be compared to the flow of water in a river

  • Series circuit

    • The rate of flow is the same anywhere throughout the circuit

  • Parallel circuit 

    • The rate of flow along every parallel path adds up to the rate of flow at the battery


  • Is the potential to do work

  • Can be compared to the amount of money you have to spend 

  • Series circuit

    • The volts are shared throughout the whole circuit.  For example, if a battery produces 20 Volts, every light on the circuit must share that potential energy.  Similarly, if you have $20, you have to spend a little of it at every store you visit (and return home with no extra money).  This means all lights will be relatively dull because they are all sharing the volts

  • Parallel circuit 

    • Each pathway gets the same amount of voltage because the electrons can only take one path.  Similarly, if you have $20 each pathway gets $20 and it does not need to be shared.  This means all lights will be very bright

Lesson 12 - Energy at home 

Electrical power 

  • Is the rate at which electrical energy is produced or consumed in a given time

  • Unit of measurement for electrical power is the watt (W)

  • One watt is the equivalent of one joule per second (J/s)

  • Higher the power rating value, or wattage the more electrical energy a device produces (or uses to operate)

Light bulbs and power 

  • Consider a 60 W incandescent light bulb and a 15 W compact fluorescent bulb (CFL)

  • The incandescent bulb uses more electrical energy than the CFL bulb to produce light

  • Each produced about the same amount of light 

  • In the incandescent bulb has extra energy 

    • It turns it into thermal energy instead of light

Measuring electrical energy 

  • Joule is a relatively small unit of electrical energy so we often measure larger amounts of electrical energy

  • Kilowatt-hour is the SI unit used to measure energy usage 

    • It is the use of one kilowatt of power for 1 hour

  • Electrical meters keep track of how much electrical energy is used in home, schools, and businesses in units of kWhYour comprehensive guide to power quality

Transfer of energy 

  • Total energy that goes into a device is always equal to the energy that goes out 

  • Energy going into an electrical device is called energy input 

  • Energy going out of the electrical device can be both useful energy and wasted energy

Energy efficiency 

  • Useful energy is the energy we want the device to produce 

  • In a light bulb, this would be light energy

  • Wasted energy is energy lost to its surroundings which are thermal 

  • Efficiency refers to how well the electrical energy is changed into useful energy by a device

  • The energy efficiency of this incandescent light bulb is only 5%

Energuide and energy star 

  • all households appliances are sold with an Energuide label which estimated how much electrical energy appliances use 

  • Some appliances are labelled with the energy star symbol which indicated that a product meets or exceeds high-efficiency standards 

Energy-efficient homes 

  • Our houses need to be heated in the winter and cooled in the summer 

  • We turn lights on and off

  • We use appliances 

  • Electrical usage in the home costs money (sometimes a lot)

  • Newer homes are built more energy efficient

  • It Helps reduces electrical costs by reducing the amount of energy required to operate the home

Make a home energy efficient

Calculating efficiency 

  • The higher the percentage, the more efficient the device is

  • Can calculate the efficiency of a device using equation

  • Percent efficiency = energy out/energy in x 100% 
