
AP Euro: Unit 18.1-18.2 - The Cold War and a New Western World

AP Euro: Unit 18.1-18.2 - The Cold War and a New Western World

Unit 18: The Cold War and a New Western World

Development of the Cold War

Establishment of the United Nations

  • The United Nations (or UN) is a newer version of the League of Nations (which didn’t work so well).
  • Signed by delegates from 50 nations (including the US this time!) in San Francisco
  • Has two bodies
  • A general assembly in which each nation gets one vote
  • A security council of seven members (5 of which are permanent members: US, Russia, France, Great Britain, and China) and two rotating members.
  • Security Council nations can veto council decisions, apply economic sanctions, send peacekeeping troops
  • There are 15 members on the security council now
  • B/C of the rivalry between the US and Soviet Union (1940’s-1990’s), not much was accomplished

Alliances Break Apart

  • Soviet forces occupied eastern Europe after we agreed to Stalin’s larger buffer zone.
  • Stalin actively seeks to spread communism around the world.
  • The US and Great Britain demand free elections, but Stalin refuses.
  • He argues that the US and Great Britain are occupying Japan and Italy.  Never ask the Russians how they feel things should be run (which is a valid point)
  • Soviets openly support communist parties in nations in their new buffer zone, and pretty soon all opposition parties are destroyed (through assassinations, intimidations, etc)
  • The US and Great Britain condemn these moves.

Germany: The First Point of Contention

  • It also became apparent that besides our mutual interest in denazification (removing the nazi influence from Germany), the Soviets were treating people in East Berlin and in the previously occupied soviet areas of Germany quite poorly.  
  • Ex: German soldiers not tried at Nuremberg were often deported to the gulags of Siberia
  • Russia had been a little behind the game in technology in WWI and II, so they quite literally stole Germany's factories (dismantled them and moved them to Russia), almost 600 in total!
  • We don’t agree with what they are doing in their half of Germany
  • The US, France, and England will merge their zones in 1948, creating two German nations.

An Iron Curtain Descends

  • President Truman feared a new aggressor in the world: Russia.
  • He issued a policy of containment which was aimed at stopping the spread of communism and the influence of Russia outside of Eastern Europe in 1947.  
  • The Truman Doctrine was a plan to give economic aid to countries that claimed that they were threatened by communist expansion
  • Churchill delivers his "Iron Curtain" speech
  • Begins the “Cold War”
  • Lasts from 1945 until 1991
  • US and Russia will compete for territory, influence, cutting edge technology, etc to "outdo" each other

The Marshall Plan

  • In response to Russia’s openly stated goal that they spread communism to the rest of the world, the United States put another plan into action to stop communism’s spread.
  • Both Germany and Japan were in ruins at the end of WWII.  The US rushed to rebuild these war torn regions.
  • America (Really Secretary of State George Marshall) introduces the Marshall plan (MP) to accomplish this goal in Europe.  
  • MP will contribute $13 Billion is aid to countries destroyed by war (basically a bribe for not becoming a new communist nation)
  • Both Germany and Japan develop cutting edge manufacturing
  • The US (taxpayers) pay the bill :(

Marshall Plan in Germany

  • Germany's manufacturing takes off!  Successful companies (that make cars like VW/BMW and produce steel) become world leaders.
  • Creates a stable currency "Deutsche Mark"
  • Creates a republic like the US.  
  • Stalin will condemn our moves to strengthen Germany and tightens his hold over eastern Europe.
  • Within 20 years, West Germany's economy was the best in Europe.  Recovery called the "German Miracle"
  • Become VERY friendly with the US as a result, even though we are technically STILL occupying their nation.

Rebuilding Japan

  • US occupation - 1952 (we keep bases, protect Japan to the PRESENT DAY)
  • Manufacturing (especially the tech industry) grew from scratch to the finest in the world.  
  • Japan created a surplus
  • Japan protects its own businesses with high tariffs.
  • Some in the US criticize - we made them more developed than us!

The Berlin Airlift

  • The Soviets reacted by locking down the city of Berlin, and closing off trains and highways from the west.
  • Do not allow foreign traffic in, and essentially trying to make it too hard for the allies to retain control of their respective pieces of Berlin.
  • The allies (particularly the US) began to airlift food and supplies directly into the city of Berlin to support the people there (Berlin Airlift).
  • Lasted for an entire year (June 1948-May 1949)
  • Soviets would lift the blockade, but tensions remained SUPER high.

Two Alliances Form

  • In order to stop communism's spread (and because of the increasingly ineffective UN), the US championed a new alliance called NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) which was created in 1949.
  • Its members agreed to support each other if attacked by any outside country.
  • Members Included:
  • Belgium, United Kingdom, Netherlands, France, Luxembourg,US, Canada, Portugal, Italy, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland

A Threatened Soviet Union

  • In 1949, the Soviets detonate their first atomic bomb (US designation = Joe 1)
  • Now, the US no longer has the advantage of having nuclear weapons.
  • Starts the nuclear arms race (Russia builds atomic bomb, we create a more destructive weapon, Russia creates a better weapon, we follow etc)
  • This helped form mutual deterrence (if we have a nuclear arsenal that makes confronting us directly suicide, they built one too!)
  • Arms race extends to other military technologies as well, like better jet fighters, tanks, etc.

A New Ally for Russia

  • Russia felt threatened by the new alliance (NATO) which they felt targeted them directly.
  • China had a successful communist revolution in 1949 under the leadership of Mao Zedong.  the People's Republic of China (old Chinese govt fled to Taiwan, 2 Chinas!)
  • The new government of China continued to recognize European treaty ports
  • Now the UN is REALLY useless!
  • In 1950, the Russians and Chinese signed a mutual defensive pact
  • This Greatly worries the US, who wants to recognize the new China BUT it is communist, and we were also trying to recognize Taiwan at the same time.
  • Drives a wedge between US and Chinese relations
  • Between the cleansing of people who considered themselves traditional Chinese and the deaths from Mao's collectivization of farms (pre and post great leap forward 1958-62), an estimated 40-60 million died

A Real Test for Containment

  • North Korea adopted a communist government.  
  • In 1950, a conflict started to unify the country. (Starts Korean War)
  • The United States would send troops to support South Korea (Democratic People's Republic of Korea)
  • Chinese joined North Korea in 1951.
  • After 3 years of war, and several momentum shifts, fighting had settled into a prolonged fight near the 38th parallel.
  • With no side able to gain a distinctive advantage, an armistice was signed dividing Korea into N and S. Koreas.  Border is still guarded to this day!

MORE Allies for Russia

  • Russia also created alliances with many of the countries that had been given to them to create their buffer zone.  It was called the WARSAW PACT and was signed in 1955 in Warsaw, Poland.
  • Many nations are forced to become part of it
  • Members Included:
  • Russia (Soviet Union), Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Poland,East Germany, Hungary, and Romania
  • Now there is even more mutual deterrence

Stalin’s Rule

  • The Soviet Union (especially the Russian part) completely transformed under Stalin's rule.  
  • Yes farm collectivization had been a bust, but the importation of German manufacturing power had allowed them to build canals, a railroad all the way to Siberia, oil refineries, etc.  
  • The Soviet Union had become a world manufacturing powerhouse.  
  • Stalin's 2nd 5 year plan had completed in less than 5 years.
  • While the world perception of the Soviet Union as world power gave pride to Russia's people, they suffered from terrible shortages at home, especially in the commodities and luxury goods market (because of nationalization/govt ownership of everything).  
  • Stalin's political rule was likewise harsh.  
  • All people had to be completely obedient to Stalin, and he frequently pitted party members against each other which created suspicion among them.  
  • Stalin died in 1953.  He was succeeded by Nikita Khruschchev.  
  • One of his first moves was to publicly denounce Stalin

Hungarian Rebellion

  • Not all members of the Warsaw Pact were thrilled to be a part of it.  Hungary revolts in 1956
  • Khrushchev sent in the military to destroy the revolt.  
  • Soviet troops are extremely brutal - kill people who surrender, drag bodies behind tanks as a warning, people rounded up and tortured, etc
  • In the end, revolt is crushed: 30,000 people killed, 200,000 people leave everything and escape into the west.

The Space Race

  • The US has had a slight advantage in the Cold War and this changed with the successful test launch of Russian intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM)
  • Followed shortly thereafter by Sputnik, the first satellite sent into space. (1957)
  • Worries the US (trying to develop ICBMs) and fear an attack from space
  • US responds by creating NASA
  • Russia is now in the lead!

Communism in Our Backyard

  • In 1954, a communist revolt engulfed Guatemala.
  • The U.S. funded a coup of the communist government in 1954.
  • Another communist takeover happened in Cuba in 1959.  Fidel Castro becomes the leader.
  • The US will attempt a coup in Cuba to remove Castro/communism (1961).
  • US arms and Cuban rebels launches invasion from Guatemala (CIA sponsored) with no air support
  • Rebels are beaten, Castro finds out we did it.  Incident becomes known as the Bay of Pigs

The Berlin Wall

  • Angry that so many Germans were fleeing east Berlin (communist) and into the west (democratic), Russia begins construction on what became known as the Berlin Wall.
  • Wall is built to keep people IN Russian controlled territory and not keep people out.
  • Divides the city of Berlin until 1989

The Cold War Deepens

The Red Scare in the US

  • 1947-1957
  • People accuse other people of being communists, people put on trial.
  • Julius and Ethel Rosenberg: tried and convicted of spying for the Russians on Atom Bomb.  Executed
  • Alger Hiss: Copying/pics of classified docs.

The Red Scare in the US: Richard Nixon

  • Richard Nixon: involved in taking down Hiss, soldier, stands up to communists “A commie hunter”  
  • Elected Vice president for 2 terms, later president
  • Able to survive scandal after scandal because of his popularity.
  • (Checkers speech, ping pong diplomacy)

Red Scare in the US: Joseph McCarthy

  • Politicians earn national renown as communist hunters/fighters.
  • Joseph McCarthy: Accused dozens of US citizens of being communists by personal attacks on people's patriotism or their character.
  • Mostly targets his political opponents.
  • Eventually takes on the US Army, loses face
  • Censured by the senate.

A New Conflict Brewing

  • From 1946 until 1954, the French had been fighting for control of their colony French Indochina (now Vietnam) with the Viet Minh (League for Independence of Vietnam)
  • Viet Minh was supported by China/Russia
  • In 1950, the US pledged $15 million to stop the spread of Communism (Truman Doctrine!)
  • French defeated at Dien Bien Phu
  • Part of the terms of peace (Geneva Accord) split Vietnam into two countries (Communist North, Democratic South) and the French leave

Domino Theory

  • America sends more weapons/advisors to South Vietnam. Fears spread of Communism.  
  • Domino Theory: If Vietnam falls, surrounding countries will also become communist.
  • Some in the South support the communist government in the north
  • Form National Liberation Front (NLF or better known as, Viet Cong) 1960

US Continues to Lose the Space Race

  • US and Russia developing rocket technology.  Want to launch a person into space.
  • US launches a variety of species of animals into space to see what effect space has on them
  • Monkeys are used because they are the closest relative to humans (US sends 4 monkeys, all named Albert, all die at some point in their journey)
  • Russians send the first person into space (Yuri Gagarin 1961) beating us by mere months (Alan Shepard)
  • The US is losing the space race to Russia.

Poor Decision Making

  • The United States convinced Turkey, next to Russia, to accept 15 Nuclear Missiles so we could strike at Russia in 1961.
  • The Soviet Union looks for a place where it can position missiles at the US and finds Cuba
  • The Soviets got Castro to agree to let them place nuclear missiles in Cuba, which could easily strike the US.
  • Soviets send ships carrying missiles to Cuba, we see them doing this.  
  • Before we can stop them, several missile ships land in Cuba, and weapons are set up.

Cuban Missile Crisis

  • For 13 days, starting October 16, 1962, the world was right at the brink of Nuclear war.
  • President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev of Russia argue about the missiles.  
  • Kennedy: These missiles threaten our national security.  Brining more is an act of war
  • Khrushchev: You have missiles in Turkey, this is a deterrent to war.
  • The US set up a blockade of Cuba, but more missile ships were on the way…
  • Castro urges Khrushchev to launch a first strike.
  • Kennedy and Khrushchev agree to both stand down on Oct 28.
  • US: Removes blockade of/won't invade Cuba, and removes missiles from Turkey. Instead, US Embargo (economic sanctions against Cuba and restrictions on Cuban travel(?)) on Cuban made goods.
  • Russia: Removes missiles from Cuba

JFK Assassinated!

  • The next November, JFK was assassinated as he and his wife rode in a motorcade in Dallas, TX.  
  • The circumstances have been hotly debated over the last 50 years
  • Blamed Lee Harvey Oswald, man with known Russian ties
  • His brother RFK, ran for president 4 years later, he was also assassinated.
  • His predecessor was Lyndon Johnson

Back in Vietnam

  • In 1964, US ships in the Gulf of Tonkin (international waters) were allegedly attacked by torpedoes. From an "unidentified North Vietnamese craft"
  • North Vietnam says this is not true
  • Congress issues the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, giving then president Johnson unlimited power to ensure peace and security in Asia (w/o approval from congress)
