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Chapter 25: Europe and the World, 1870-1914

  • Three Emperors League

    • Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia joined

    • Germany challenged the English naval power

    • Austria-Hungary lacked an industrial base and ethnic diversity

    • Russia wanted warm water port in the Mediterranean Sea

  • The Ottoman Empire was on the verge of collapsing

  • The Balkans were ruled by a mixture of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire

  • The Alliance System was unstable

    • German needed to be on good terms with Russia due to Franco-German tensions

    • English had to keep their naval superiority due to their dependency on imports

    • Russia abandoned Serbian nationalism

    • The Ottomans kept Constantinople

    • Dual Alliance was a strong alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary due to the weakening Russian loyalty

    • Italy joined the Dual Alliance in 1882, making it the Triple Alliance

    • Bulgaria and Serbia started another Balkan Crisis in 1885

  • A “new imperialism” was brought forth from 1870-1914

    • Characterized by industrialization, intensification, increased technology

    • Greater sense of national prestige

  • Germany, France, and England were in direct competition for Africa

  • India was the center of British foreign policy

  • Opium War (1839-1842)

    • China was forced to accept opium trade

  • Boxer Rebellion (1900)

    • Peasant unrest turned into open rebellion

    • Europeans had limited forces and therefore couldn’t control the population

    • Showed need for indirect rule

Chapter 25: Europe and the World, 1870-1914

  • Three Emperors League

    • Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia joined

    • Germany challenged the English naval power

    • Austria-Hungary lacked an industrial base and ethnic diversity

    • Russia wanted warm water port in the Mediterranean Sea

  • The Ottoman Empire was on the verge of collapsing

  • The Balkans were ruled by a mixture of Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire

  • The Alliance System was unstable

    • German needed to be on good terms with Russia due to Franco-German tensions

    • English had to keep their naval superiority due to their dependency on imports

    • Russia abandoned Serbian nationalism

    • The Ottomans kept Constantinople

    • Dual Alliance was a strong alliance between Germany and Austria-Hungary due to the weakening Russian loyalty

    • Italy joined the Dual Alliance in 1882, making it the Triple Alliance

    • Bulgaria and Serbia started another Balkan Crisis in 1885

  • A “new imperialism” was brought forth from 1870-1914

    • Characterized by industrialization, intensification, increased technology

    • Greater sense of national prestige

  • Germany, France, and England were in direct competition for Africa

  • India was the center of British foreign policy

  • Opium War (1839-1842)

    • China was forced to accept opium trade

  • Boxer Rebellion (1900)

    • Peasant unrest turned into open rebellion

    • Europeans had limited forces and therefore couldn’t control the population

    • Showed need for indirect rule