
Good Leadership Traits

Good Leadership Traits

  • Promise only what you can deliver. if you cannot deliver or you fall short, immediately explain to your team what happened.

  • Be honest with your team. once they know you are not being honest, regaining their confidence will be virtually impossible.

  • When things go wrong, before placing the blame on a team member, remember that you are in charge. The buck starts and ends with you. Rather than asking, "Who did this?", ask, "What happened?" Many times a process- and not a person-is at fault.

  • Give a gift for no reason: Saying "Thank you" goes a long way.

  • Be accessible to your team and be a good listener.

  • Break out of your normal office routine and spend time with your team. Get to know each team member.

  • Autonomy is critical- and Micromanaging kills it.

  • When someone comes to meet you in your office, do not sit behind your desk. Find a chair and sit next to the visitor.

  • Do not wait for change to happen; you, as a leader, can make it happen.
  • Let your team know that leadership can be executed at any level.