
USH 11/11/20

USH 11/11/20

Adams is president

Adams serves one term

Jacksonians begin setting up for the next election

Jacksonians win midterm election

Adams doesn't get a lot done because he can't get things passed through Congress

Jackson wins the next election against Adams easily

Parties form

Termed parties between Jeffersonian and Hamiltonian but the names changed

Democrats were Jeffersonians and Republicans were Hamiltonians

Jackson serves two terms

Jackson tries to do too much and another party comes into existence because of the resistance against him

Jackson gets rid of everyone and reappoints the people he wanted

Under Jackson there are three major points

Indian Removal, Nullification Crisis, and Bank War

The major native tribes and the ones in the south, along with northern

Black Hawks war between natives

Natives get into a war with a militia in Illinois, where Jefferson is fighting,

Sioux were on the side of the US

Natives were pushed back across the river and were struggling, eventually being pushed into Kansas

Jackson has experience with southern tribes because he fought them before

Settlers move into that land and want to kick out the natives

The settlers wanted that land because it was fertile

People wanted to move south and west to begin growing cotton

Some states were trying to remove natives before Jackson became president

Jackson does what his people and voters wanted him to do, which is removing the natives

Jackson didn't believe the natives and settlers could live together because their lives and societies were too different

Some natives wanted to stay so they tried to become "Americanized"

They adapted to the way of US life, with farming and slavery

New Constitution was created for them based off of the US Constitution

Natives file suit in the federal courts saying that they can't be moved off, which the court agreed on

Jackson pushes them off anyway

Tribes get pushed to Oklahoma

Many don't go willingly 

Cherokee thought they didn't have to leave, but the troops push them off anyway

Many people died on the trails because of winter and the harshness (Trail of Tears)

Era of good feelings had the idea of higher tariffs

Economically, bigger businesses like the tariffs more 

The farmers and smaller businesses didn't like the tariffs because they had to pay higher prices

When the first tariff was passed, South Carolina didn't take any action against it

The second tariff was called the abomination tariff, which South Carolina refused to collect

South Carolina believes it is their state right to stop things 

The people who didn't like the tariffs were Jackson's supporters

South Carolina stopped collecting tariffs, even though they had a collection point

Jackson sides with the government and says that the state can't do that

Jackson threatens to send the military

South Carolina gets a lower tariff, and this calms down the arguments

Southerners believed that the tariffs benefitted the north

The Bank War was when Jackson went to far with the bank

Most of the people who voted for Jackson didn't like the bank, still

Jackson supported the bank before his presidency

Argument between Jackson and Biddle

Biddle is the president of the bank

Biddle is higher than everyone else

Biddle didn't want to wait for a charter for the bank again

Seeks the charter four years early

Congress passes the charter but Jackson vetoes

Jackson took things too personally

Jackson believed that his wife died due to the stress from the other "side" or party

Jackson wins a second term, so the bank is done and can't get re-chartered

The party names change again

Jackson wanted to kill the bank early

Jackson redirects money from the banks to his friends' banks in different states

This act was almost completely unconstitutional

Biddle messes with the interest rates and causes a recession

Both of them are to blame

People begin to say that Jackson is acting too much like a dictator

Whig party comes from the bank wars

The term "whig" comes from the British party that was against the entrenched powers

Whigs become made up of anti-Jackson democrats

This party begins to embody the Hamiltonians

Whigs wanted an enforcement of "decency"

Whigs are more consistent with wanted more economic and social control

Martin Van Buren was organizer of the Democrats

Van Buren was in charge of the Democratic growth, which helped Jackson too

Van Buren is elected president

Van Buren gets blamed for the recession that was a result from the previous presidency (Jackson)

Whigs had three people running for office under their party name

Since Whigs were new, they didn't have time to get behind one person

They thought that all three people would lead to a House vote, and then support one person

Harrison is from the West, White is from the South, Webster is from the northeast

Van Buren's term began with the Panic of 1837

By 1840, the Whigs are organized and select Harrison

Harrison had become more wealthy but was under the pretense that he wasn't

Tyler was chosen to attract southern voters

Whigs had support of wealthy in the south

Van Buren runs again for the presidency and loses

Whigs gains much more support in 1840 election

The parties weren't formed along south and north

Harrison is president for a month, then dies

Tyler then becomes president, even thought he wasn't really a Whig

Clean division of democratic and whig party

Whigs are Hamiltonians and Democrats are Jeffersonians

Whigs supported positive liberal state where they could control the government

Democrats supporter the negative liberal state where the government didn't want power

Government was thought to only keep the peace
