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AI Teacher toolsLesson Plan

Free AI Lesson Plan Generator

Generate a lesson plan for a topic or objective you’re teaching.

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Trusted by 1,000+ schools

Our community of students and teachers trust Knowt to create and study on.


Saves me time

This makes lesson planning so much faster for me! Definetely recommend the feedback tool.


My kids love it!

The lecture note taker tool is a game-changer. I can just send my student organized, effective study guides at the end of each class.


Great for engagement

Helped make my classroom more interactive. My students are more engaged and excited to learn!


Get this app, it’s amazing!

Never in my life have I done a review for any app but I just love knowt so much. I’ve recommended it to all my friends and they all agree that it’s a life saver.


Great for younger students too

My kids love to play the matching game in class, and it’s so easy for me to keep track of their progress when I assign it for homework.


Excellent review tool for students.

This app is very simple to use and engages students with different types of learning to reinforce the material. It’s fun and easy for them.


School blocked Quizlet.

I found Knowt after my school blocked Quizlet & it was so easy to get set up. Their team worked directly with our IT co-ord to answer all their questions.


Awesome app!

You can tell they put thought into making this perfect for teachers. There’s so many optimized features you won’t find on Quizlet or Google Classroom


Way more worth it

Knowt lets me keep track of exactly what my students need more practice on and makes lesson planning easier for me!

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Instantly generate comprehensive lesson plans with objectives, activities, and assessments using AI.

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Create structured, adaptable lesson plans tailored to your teaching goals, grade level, and subject matter.

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No need to juggle between apps. Find every AI Tool you’ll ever need in one place.

Cheaper than ChatGPT

Pay less & get more useful insights with an AI lesson plan generator built specifically for your classroom.

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FAQWe thought you might have some questions...
Does the Video Summarizer use AI?
Yes! Our AI watches your lecture videos for you and create a concise video summary and flashcards on the most important information. Download the Knowt Chrome Extension and open any lecture video. Once you open the extension, you can import the video to Knowt where we will watch your lecture video, summarize videos using our AI Video Summarizer and create practice questions and flashcards for you to practice with.
How do I save time watching lecture videos on Knowt?
Import your lecture videos to Knowt and use AI to get an outline on the most important parts of your lecture using our AI Video Summarizer. Then, use the practice test feature to quiz yourself on the material until you understand it really well. Instead of spending hours rewatching old lectures, using active recall to learn the information is a better use of your time because it will help you remember it better. If you have any questions or don’t understand a concept, you can use the chat feature in the Video Summarizer to ask questions related to the lecture video.
How do I create practice questions from videos?
Once you upload a video to the Knowt Video Summarizer, press the study button to generate practice questions that test you on the material using AI.
What makes the Knowt AI Video Summarizer the best?
Our video summarizer was particularly designed for students , so we trained it to understand your lectures, pick out the most important information and use AI to summarize videos. Then, it helps you prepare for your exams by creating practice exams and flashcards that you can study with learn mode or spaced repetition.
How do I make flashcards from videos?
Once you upload a video, ask our AI to create flashcards from your note using the buttons to the right of the video. Our Video Summarizer will make flashcards in seconds so you can focus on learning them with our free study modes.
Why use Knowt’s Video Summarizer?
It’s the most efficient way to watch your lecture videos AND learn all the information from it. Once you upload or import a video to our video summarizer, you can make flashcards from the video, summarize the video or create a practice test from the video. No matter which option you choose, our video summarizer will make sure to pick out the most important stuff from the video so you focus on the most important stuff!
What sites does Knowt summarize lectures from?
So far, you can import videos to the Video Summarizer using our chrome extension from Canvas, Zoom, Youtube, Panopta and Yuja. If your lecture video is not from one of these, you can also download the video and upload it directly on Then, you can ask Kai to make you a video summary to study from.
Does Knowt summarize Youtube videos?
Yes, our Video Summarizer works for youtube videos! To summarize youtube videos, just open the Knowt Chrome Extension on any youtube video. Once it’s uploaded, the video summarizer can make flashcards, practice questions and summaries from your videos.