________ or aboral cilia is only found in the peristomial grooves which are arranged in a whirlpool manner.
Vorticella* is an extremely common, solitary, and stalked ciliate found in ________ ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, etc.,
________ is similar to that of Paramecium and the medium, the medium of food vacuoles is the first alkaline, then acidic, and then it becomes alkaline till absorption.
________ and excretion take place by diffusion through the general body surface as in* Paramecium* and* Amoeba*
The ________ is concavity bordered by a projecting rim and stiff cilia- like projection.
buccal cavity
A water current produced by the adoral cilia of the peristome brings bacteria and other small organic particles into the peristomial groove, from where they are further carried into the ________.
________ is a bundle of spiral fibrils continuous with the myonemes of the bell.
contractile stalk
The ________ permits the body to expand and contract frequently.
________ in Vorticella takes place** asexually** by longitudinal binary fission and at intervals by conjugation which is the** sexual** mode of reproduction.