Nonzero vertical axis
________- Used to exaggerate differences between groups.
Pie Charts
________ depict categorical data as slices in a circle, with each slice proportional to the frequency count for that category.
________ (drawings of objects)- Can also distort differences (Ex: Doubling the side of a square quadruples the area)
________ are graphs consisting of bars of equal width drawn adjacent to each other (Except for gaps)
classes of quantitative data values
A horizontal scale represents the ________, while the vertical scale represents frequencies.
________ are graphs of quantitative data where each data value is plotted as a point or dot above a horizontal scale of values.
scatter diagram
Scatterplot** (________) have a horizontal x- axis and vertical y- axis, with quantitative data.
________: the class width is not just the difference between a lower class limit and an upper class limit, you must also +1.
qualitative data
Bar graphs** use bars of equal width to show frequencies of categories of categorical /________.
________represent quantitative data by separating each value into two parts.
linear correlation
If r lies beyond the critical values in the tail of the table values, there is ________.
categorical data
Pareto charts are bar graphs for ________, but have bars that are arranged in by frequency (height decreases from left to right)
symmetrical pattern
Points do have some ________ that is a straight line.
________ can be combined to form a single stem (Condensed) or divided into multiple stems (Expanded)
linear correlation
If r lies between the critical values, there is no ________.
linear correlation
If there is no ________ between variables, the p- value is the probability of getting paired sample data with a linear correlation coefficient r that is at least as extreme as the one obtained from the paired sample data.