________, fearful of technological competition, created one of the first corporate laboratories in 1900.
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Civil War
Until the ________, iron and steel furnaces were mostly made of stone and usually built against the side of a hill.
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________ and Frank Duryea built the first gasoline- driven motor vehicle in America in 1893.
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________ made large financial contributions to politicians, political parties, and government officials in exchange for assistance and support.
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Most of the early progress in airplane design occurred in ________, where there was substantial government funding for research and development.
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American universities
________ in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries developed a growing connection between university- based research and the needs of the industrial economy.
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Isaac Singer
________ patented a sewing machine in 1851 and created I. M. Singer and Company, one of the first modern manufacturing corporations.
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steel production
The ________ in the Great Lakes region was possible only because of the availability of steam freighters that could carry ore on the lakes, which contributed to the development of new and more powerful steam engines.
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US government
The ________ created the National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics in 1915, twelve years after the Wright brothers flight, and American airplanes became a significant presence in Europe during World War I.
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It enabled ________ to raise the wages and reduce the hours of his workers while cutting the base price of his Model T from $ 950 in 1914 to $ 290 in 1929.
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Pennsylvania Railroad
The ________, for example, literally created the Pennsylvania Steel Company, provided it with substantial initial capital, and ensured it a market for its products with an immediate contract for steel rails.