In the twelfth century, ________, a great teacher of Roman law in Bologna, attracted students from all over Europe.
The plow of the Mediterranean and Near ________ worlds had been the aratrum, a nonwheeled, light scratch plow made mostly of wood that was sufficient to break the top layer of the light soils of those areas.
Gothic cathedral
The ________, with its towers soaring to- ward heaven, gave witness to an age when a spiritual impulse still underlay most of existence.
tenth century
The carruca, a heavy, wheeled plow with an iron plow- share, came into widespread use by the ________.
The first European university was founded in Bologna, ________, and coincided with the revival of interest in Roman law, especially the rediscovery of Justinian's Corpus Iuris Civilis.
Watermill and Windmill
The ________ were the most important devices for harnessing power before the invention of the steam engine in the eighteenth century.
Italian chronicler
A(n) ________ at the beginning of the fourteenth century estimated that the woolen industry in Florence produced 80, 000 pieces of cloth a year and employed 30, 000 men, women, and children, usually at pitiful wages.
Although the watermill had been invented as early as the second century ________, it did not come into widespread use until the High Middle Ages.
cathedral of Beauvais
The ________ in northern France collapsed in 1284 after reaching the height of 157 feet.
revival of trade
The ________ enabled cities and towns to become important centers for manufacturing a wide range of goods, such as cloth, metalwork, shoes, and leather goods.
Woolen industries
________ operated by capitalist entrepreneurs in seventeen principal centers in northern Europe, mostly in Flanders, produced most of the woolen cloth used in northern Europe.
Gothic church
The first fully ________ was the abbey church of Saint- Denis near Paris, which was built between 1140 and 1150 at the inspiration of Suger, the famous abbot of the monastery from 1122 to 1151.