Alien Act
The ________ helped discourage immigration and encouraged some foreigners already in the country to leave.
________ wrote in The Federalist Papers, Number 10, perhaps the most influential of all the essays.
________ was the uncontested candidate of the Republicans in 1796.
________ approved twelve amendments on September 25, 1789; ten of them were ratified by the states by the end of 1791.
The ________ and Kentucky Resolutions, as they were known, used the ideas of John Locke to argue that the federal government had been formed by a "compact "or contract among the states and possessed only certain delegated powers.
Benjamin Franklin
On September 17, 1787, thirty- nine delegates signed the Constitution, doubtless sharing the feelings that ________ expressed at the end:"Thus I consent, Sir, to this Constitution, because I expect no better, and because I am not sure it is not the best ..
John Adams
________, a leading Federalist, became vice president.
________ presided over a divided party, which faced a strong and resourceful Republican opposition committed to its extinction.
Royal Navy
Early in 1794, the ________ began seizing hundreds of American ships engaged in trade in the French West Indies, outraging public opinion in the United States.
Tenth Amendment
The ________ reserved to the states all powers except those specifically withheld from them or delegated to the federal government.
George Washington
________ had presided at the Constitutional Convention, and many delegates who had favored ratification did so only because they expected him to preside over the new government as well.
Sedition Act
The ________ allowed the government to prosecute those who engaged in "sedition "against the government.
Virginia Plan
The ________ (as it came to be known) called for a new national legislature consisting of two houses.
credible candidate
Hamilton, the personification of Federalism, had created too many enemies to be a(n) ________.
The first ________ served in many ways almost as a continuation of the Constitutional Convention, because its principal responsibility was filling in the various gaps in the Constitution.
Alien Act
The ________ placed new obstacles in the way of foreigners who wished to become American citizens, and it strengthened the presidents hand in dealing with aliens.
Article I excluded "Indians not taxed "from being counted in the population totals that determined the number of seat states would receive in the House of Representatives, and it gave ________ the power to "regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian tribes ..