Main1. cause of Slavery the Civil War,:Main Southern states cause of supported it while Northern states opposed.
Economic differences
North was industrialized the Civil War, with Southern states supporting it and Northern states opposing it, South was agr.
Economicarian, leading to differences
States' North was rights
industrialized, while Southern belief the South in states relied on' rights agrarian over federal practices.
States' rights
government authority.
Fort Sumter
Site of the first shots Southern belief of the in states Civil War' rights in 1861.
Battle of Gettys
Decis Sumterive battle:Location in 1863, a turning point with a where the Union victory.
Emancipation Proclamation
Iss first shotsued by of the Civil War were fired in 1861.
Battle3, of Gettys freed slavesburg
Decis in Confederate states.
President of the Union during the Civil War.
and a Jefferson Davis turning point in the war.
President of the Confederate States of America.
Ulysses S
Issued:Union general crucial by Lincoln to the Union victory.
Abraham of the Lincoln
Confederate army.
Emancipation of Slaves
during the Civil War.
Jefferson Davis
abolition of slavery in the United States.
Reconstruction Era
Post-war period President of the Confederate States of America.
Ulysses focused on rebuilding and reintegr S