Polityczne odpowiedzialność
________ spoczywa również na poszczególnych ministrach- za działanie w ramach ich kompetencji lub za wykonywanie powierzonych im zadań.
________ zwykle mają charakter koalicyjny, czyli składający się z przedstawicieli kilku partii.
Krajowy Obrona
Ministrowie- kierują konkretnymi działaniami administracji rządowej (np. Minister Zdrowia, Finansów, ________,
Wyższe nauka instytucji
________, utrzymanie instytucji kultury, finansowanie badań, turystyki i sportu.
Pierwszy Minister
Jest powoływany przez ________ na wniosek Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych i Administracji. Jego kompetencje obejmują wszystkie sprawy z zakresu administracji rządowej na obszarze województwa.
________ mianowani urzędnicy państwowi- pracownicy administracji rządowej, którzy spełnili określone wymagania i zdali egzamin państwowy.
Council of Ministers
Constitutional collegial body executive power in Poland
prime minister
the strongest position in government
they direct specific actions of government administration (e.g., Minister of Health, Finance, National Defence,
Ministers {members of the Council of Ministers (so-called ministers without portfolio)}
are appointed to carry out certain tasks assigned by the Prime Minister, e.g
Deputy Prime Minister
can work exclusively as a deputy president of the government, but most often he also acts as a minister
The result of a break-up of a coalition is usually the loss of its parliamentary majority
a government that does not have the support of a majority of MPs is called a minority government
Ministers no is a tenure office
its duration of operation depends on the duration of the term of office of the Polish Sejm and the dominant majority in it
A change of government during the term of parliament can occur in several situations
The Prime Minister may voluntarily resign from office
then the President does not have to accept his resignation
Political responsibility also lies with individual ministers
for acting within their competence or for carrying out the tasks entrusted to them
Poland operates
chief government administration bodies
prime minister, ministers, central government
bodies of government administration
heads of units subordinate directly to the Prime Minister or individual ministers, e.g
field bodies of government administration
16 voivodeships and their subordinate administration bodies complex and non-complex administration bodies, subordinated directly to the chief or central bodies
representative of the government in the province
all persons employed in government administration offices civil
servants appointed civil servants
employees of the government administration who met certain requirements and passed the state exam