Sacrificial anode
________**: easily destroyed layer that is meant to be corrosive to protect another metal from corroding.
Michael Faraday
________ (1791- 1867): connected concepts of stoichiometry and electrochemistry.
Faradays Law
________: states that the amount of a substance produced or consumed in an electrolysis reaction is directly proportional to the quantity of electricity that flows through the circuit.
Electrolytic cell
________:** device that converts electrical energy to chemical energy.
________**: the process by which metals are obtained from an ore.
________:** a study of the processes involved in converting chemical energy to electrical energy, vice versa Electric current: the flow of electrons in a circuitredox reactions involve the transfer of electrons from one reactant to another.
________ is a common oxidizing agent.
Chlor alkali process
________:** brine (NaCl) is electrolyzed in a cell.
Electroplating**: process in which a(n) ________ is deposited, or plated, onto a cathode in an electrolytic cell.
________: a set of galvanic cells connected in series.
Charge (in ________)= current (in amperes) x time (in seconds)
________ current:* the flow of electrons through an external circuit.
spontaneous redox reaction of materials
Corrosion**: ________ with substances in their environment.
negative electrode
The ________ of one cell is connected to the positive electrode of the next cell in the set.
Galvanizing:** a process in which ________ is covered with a protective layer of zinc.
________ potential**: half- cell potential for a(n) ________ half- reaction.
reactive metal
Cathodic protection:** another method of preventing rusting, a more ________ is attached to the iron object.
________**: excess voltage required above the calculated value.
________ acts as a protective layer.
Fuel cell
________:** battery that produces electricity while reactants are supplied continuously from an external source.
quantity of electricity
One coulomb is the ________ that flows through a circuit in one second if the current is one ampere.
Primary battery
________: disposable batteries that run out of reactant.