set of ideas and beliefs that are associated with discriminatory attitudes directed toward older adults
baby boom years
1946 - 1964, following world war II
biological age
where people stand relative to the number of years they will live
functional age
a person's competence in carrying our specific tasks
psychological age
how well a person adapts to changing conditions
social age
the views held by most members of a society regarding what individuals in a particular chronological age group should do and how they should behave
ages 65-74
ages 75-84
ages 85+
organismic varaible
any relative stable characteristic of an organism
scientific study of populations that focuses on broad groups within a specific population or sometimes across different populations
ecological model of aging
the relative relation between the personal competence and environmental press from their neighbourhood environment would impact on older adults
the branch of medicine specializing in the medical care and treatment of the diseases and health problems of older adults
the study of the biological, behavioural, and social phenomena from the point of maturity to old age
nature and nurture
a long-standing debate in biology and society about the balance between two competing factors which determine fate: genetics and environment
nonnormative life events
significant, unexpected, and unpredictable events, for a particular individual, which do not follow the predictable developmental pattern of life-cycle
normative age-graded influences
biological or environmental events and occurrences that are associated with chronological age
normative history-graded influences
events experienced by a particular culture at a certain period of time
population pyramid
a bar graph that illustrates how a population is distributed in terms of both age and gender
selective optimization with compensation (SOC) model of aging
strategy for improving health and well-being in older adults and a model for successful aging