Current nuclear power reactors
________ employ controlled fission to produce energy.
G rays
________ are usually produced in a radioactive decay event.
Radioactive nuclides
________ are often called radionuclides.
Control rods
________:** Composed of substances that absorb neutrons and regulate the power level of the reactor.
Radio tracers
________ provide sensitive and noninvasive methods for learning about biological systems, for detection of disease, for monitoring the action and effectiveness of drugs, and for early detection of pregnancy.
Geiger counters
________ are often called survey meters in the industry.
Radioactive nuclei
________ can undergo decomposition in various ways.
Nuclear stability
________ can be considered from both a kinetic and a thermodynamic point of view.
________ are often employed as bombarding particles to effect nuclear transformations.
________**: The process of splitting a heavy nucleus into two lighter, more stable nuclei.
transuranium elements
The ________ (those beyond uranium in the periodic table) can be synthesized by particle bombardment of uranium or heavier elements.
probe of the Geiger counter
The ________ is filled with argon gas, which can be ionized by a rapidly moving particle.
particle production
A- ________ involves a change in A for the decaying nucleus; B- particle production has no effect on A.
Thermodynamic stability
________ refers to the potential energy of a particular nucleus as compared with the sum of the potential energies of its component protons and neutrons.
energy changes
The ________ associated with normal chemical reactions are small enough that the corresponding mass changes are not detectable.