Negative pressure breathing
________, which draws air into the lungs as the rib muscles and diaphragm flex, is used by mammals to ventilate their lungs.
________ have one- way valves that aid in the return of blood to the heart.
________ play a role in blood clotting by initiating a chain reaction that transforms plasma fibrinogen to fibrin.
________ and countercurrent exchange between blood and water improves the efficiency of gas exchange in some gills, notably those of fish.
double circulation
In animals, ________ is driven by coordinated cycles of cardiac contraction.
________ that bind and transport gases are examples of gas exchange adaptations.
Sensors monitor the pH of cerebrospinal fluid (which reflects the quantity of ________ in the blood), and a control center in the brain regulates breathing rate and depth to meet metabolism.
________ utilize a system of air sacs as bellows to maintain air moving through their lungs in just one direction, preventing incoming and outgoing air from mingling.
metabolic energy
The heart drives circulation by utilizing ________ to increase the hydrostatic pressure of the circulatory fluid, which is the pressure the fluid exerts on surrounding arteries.
________ from breathed air, for example, diffuses across only two layers of cells in the lungs before reaching the blood in mammals.
circulatory system
Because diffusion is sluggish over long distances, most sophisticated creatures have a(n) ________ that can glide passively for extended periods of time with little muscular effort.
osmotic pressure
Plasma proteins have an effect on blood pH, ________, and viscosity, as well as lipid transport, immunity (antibodies), and blood clotting (fibrinogen)
________ have small dimensions and thin walls that allow for interchange.
________ have strong elastic walls that keep blood pressure stable.
In ________, gas exchange is carried out by a tracheal system, which is a branching network.
________ are body surface out folding that are specialized for gas exchange in water.
The ________ is initiated by impulses from the right atrium's sinoatrial (SA) node (pacemaker)
long drives
The blood flow to the muscles is limited or, during ________, completely cut off.
arrangement of respiratory
The form and ________ surfaces differ amongst animals.
Deep diving animals
________ accumulate O2 in their blood and other tissues and gradually deplete it.
Positive pressure breathing
________, which drives air down the trachea, is used by amphibians to ventilate their lungs.
cardiac cycle
The ________, which is the full sequence of the heart's pumping and filling, consists of a time of contraction, known as systole, and a period of relaxation, known as diastole.
right ventricle
The ________ is responsible for pumping blood to the lungs, where it loads O2 and unloads CO2.
________ found in animal products such as meat, eggs, and cheese are "complete, "which means they include all of the essential amino acids in the correct amounts.
cardiac output
The pulse (the number of times the heart beats per minute) and ________ (the volume of blood pumped by each ventricle per minute) can be used to measure heart function.
organic building
The food of an animal must provide chemical energy, ________ components, and vital nutrients.
Gas exchange
________ happens with the use of specific respiratory surfaces.
atrial contraction
They cause ________, which is subsequently delayed at the atrioventricular (AV) node before being carried through the bundle branches and Purkinje fibers, causing ventricular contraction.
net movements
The term*** Diffusion*** refers to occuring in ________ when there is a concentration difference, such as between a cell and its immediate surroundings.
architecture of blood arteries
The ________ are well suited to function.
molecular exchange
The ________ that an animal engages in with its surroundings- gaining O2 and nutrients while releasing CO2 and other waste products- must eventually encompass every cell in the body.
gas exchange
A gas undergoes net diffusion from where its partial pressure is greater to where it is lower at all ________ locations.
gas exchange
Because air has a greater O2 concentration, lower density, and lower viscosity than water, it is more favorable to ________.
circulatory system
The ________ connects the watery environment of the body cells to the organs that exchange gases, absorb nutrients, and dispose of wastes by moving fluid throughout the body.