________ admitted to being puzzled, in fact, as to "why the earth, which is one, has three names, all womens.
Social identities
________ connect the small scale where we live our lives alongside our kith and kin with larger movements, causes, and concerns.
________ was impressed by what he called "the evidence of an immense ancient population.
________ can be held together by narratives, in short, without essences.
Tylor thought it
________ absurd to propose that a person could lack culture.
18th century historian Edward Gibbon
The ________, overstating somewhat, observed that if the Arabs had won at Tours, they could have sailed up the Thames.
natural contrast
The ________ was not between Islam and the west, but between Christendom and Dar al‑Islam, each of which regarded the other as infidels, defined by their unbelief.
Muslim essence
No ________ stops the inhabitants of Dar al- Islam from taking up anything from western civilisation, including Christianity or democracy.
Today the classical heritage
________ plays no greater role in the everyday lives of most Americans or Britons.
________ explained how our everyday selves could be dusted with gold.
Muslim conquerors of Spain
The ________ had not planned to stop at the Pyrenees, and they made regular attempts in the early years to move further north.
western essence
What is there to stop a New Yorker of any ancestry taking up Islam? Answer with a single words or term.
pitfalls of this sort of essentialism
It imagines western culture as the expression of an essence- a something- which has been passed from hand to hand on its historic journey. What are evident in a wide range of cases? Answer with a single words or term.
story of the golden nugget
The ________ suggests that we can not help caring about the traditions of "the west "because they are ours: in fact, the opposite is true.
________ came from a prosperous Quaker business family, so he had the resources for a long trip.