The payoffs associated with each ________ outcome reflect the interests of the participants.
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The citizen's payout in outcome 2 (________) is 0 since she remains faithful, but the state's reward is 1 + L because it keeps the advantage it took from the citizen while keeping a loyal citizen.
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The citizen's payment in outcome 1 (________) is E since she departs, but the state's payoff is 1 because it keeps the benefit is obtained from the citizen.
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Albert Hirschman
1) Our approach is a reformulation and expansion of an argument made by ________ in his book Exit, Voice, and Loyalty: Responses to Decline in Firms, Organizations, and States, published in 1970.
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Game theory
________ is a basic technique used by political scientists to analyze these sorts of strategic scenarios in which one actor's decisions are influenced by the actions of others.