economic development
process by which the economic well-being and quality of a nation, region, local community or an individual are improved according to targeted goals and objectives
education system
public safety
local business
job opportunities
objectives of economic development includes innitiative to improve the following:
employment rate
gender equality
main social indicators of development:
sum of the income contributed by firms, household;
measure how much money can a country make
gdp + income abroad
gnp per capita
calculated as gnp/population
human development index
composite statistic calculated in the:
life expectancy index
education index
mean years of schooling index
expected years of schooling index
income index
infant mortality rate
numbers of infants dying before reaching the age of 1
literacy rate
to assess the education';
can be used to rate the percentage of people who are able to read
life expectancy rate
can be used as an indicator of the following:
health care quality in a country or province
level of sanitation
provision of care for elderly
economic structure
the structural transformation in the economy
measures the incrasing portion of population living in urban areas compared to rural
saving figures
measures the investment and capital in an economy for industrialization process
mass production
quality of life index
it measures the welfare of citizen and prosperity
physical quality index
numerical literacy
ability to count 1-1000