Immigrant Christianity
________ was also integrated into local cultural traditions in Mexico.
________ were mostly based on pre- colonial cities or areas.
Middle Eastern
Despite its ________ roots and previous presence in various regions of the Afro- Asian continent, Christianity was mainly restricted to Europe at the start of the early modern era.
________ was designed to "seek truth through facts, "and it was critical of mainstream Confucian philosophy's baseless speculation, emphasizing the necessity of verification, precision, correctness, and thorough analysis in all disciplines of research.
In 1500, Christendom spanned the globe from ________ and England in the west to Russia in the east, with small and vulnerable populations of various types in Egypt, Ethiopia, southern India, and Central Asia.
distinctive teachings
Catholics defined and reaffirmed their ________ and practices, including the pope's power, clerical celibacy, and the worship of saints and relics, during the Council of Trent (1545- 1563)
Religious syncretism
________, which accompanied Islamization nearly everywhere, became more unpleasant, even heretical, to such devout Muslims.
Luther's objection
theological foundation, which made it potentially revolutionary. Luther, a disturbed and brooding man concerned about his connection with God, had just come to a new view of salvation, believing that it comes only by faith
Catholic Reformation/Counter-Reformation
erupted as a result of the Protestant split and reforming impulses within the Catholic Church. Catholics defined and reaffirmed their distinctive teachings and practices, including the pope's power, clerical celibacy, and the worship of saints and relics, during the Council of Trent (1545–1563)
predicted that an alliance of Andean deities would soon defeat the Christian God, infect intruding Europeans with the diseases they had brought to the Americas, and restore the Andean world to an imagined earlier harmony