Golden Mean
The ________ is one of Aristotle's best- known contributions to philosophical thought (after the Prime Mover) but it should be noted that this was only in the realm of ethics and Aristotle contributed to every branch of knowledge available in his time.
Pre Socratic
Plato's philosophy was deeply rooted in the mysticism of the Pythagorean School, founded by the ________ philosopher and mystic Pythagoras (l. c. 571- c.497 BCE)
________ probably spent time with the tutors at the Macedonian court, as the son and nephew of palace staff, but this not known with certainty.
________ claimed that intellectual concepts of the Truth could not be gained from experience and nothing could actually be learned.
Plato was also significantly influenced by another Pre- Socratic philosopher, the sophist ________ (l. c. 485- 415 BCE), considered the first relativist thinker.
In taking and giving money, the mean is ________, the excess and deficiency are extravagance and stinginess.
ancient philosophy
Through Alexander, Aristotle's works were spread throughout the known world of the time, influencing ________ and providing a foundation for the development of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim theology.
Greek philosopher
Aristotle of Stagira (l. 384- 322 BCE) was a(n) ________ who pioneered systematic, scientific examination in literally every area of human knowledge and was known, in his time, as "the man who knew everything "and later simply as "The Philosopher, "needing no further qualification as his fame was so widespread.
________ emphasized the immortality of the soul and the importance of virtuous living, recognizing there are essential, indisputable truths in life which one must recognize and adhere to in order to live a good life.
Golden Mean
The ________ provides a control which acts to correct one's behavior.
________ was a Teleologist, an individual who believes in "end causes "and final purposes in life, and believed that everything and everyone in the world had a purpose for existing and, further, these final purposes could be ascertained from observation of the known world.
________ developed his Theory of Forms in an effort to refute Protagoras and provide his Pythagorean- infused idealism with a rational basis by which he could establish the existence of objective truth.
________ famously maintained that "Of all things, a man is the measure, "meaning that individual perception determines truth.
________ maintained that "a man becomes just by performing just acts and self- controlled by performing acts of self- control "(Nicomachean Ethics I.1105b.10)
As with ________, Aristotle's work infuses the entire spectrum of human knowledge as it is apprehended in the present day.
________ advocated moderation in all things in order to attain this "good "in life which, ultimately, was a happiness no person or set of circumstances could take or diminish.
He is traditionally linked in sequence with Socrates and ________ in the triad of the three greatest Greek philosophers.
In his Physics and Metaphysics, ________ claims the First Cause in the universe is the Prime Mover- that which moves all else but is itself unmoved.
________ believed that the final purpose for human existence was happiness (eudaimonia- literally,"to be possessed of a good spirit) "and this happiness could be realized by maintaining a virtuous life which developed one's arete ("personal excellence)
________ was naturally curious about all aspects of the human condition and natural world and systematically studied whatever subject came to his attention, learned it to his satisfaction, and then tried to make it comprehensible and meaningful through philosophical interpretation.
________ was born in 384 BCE in Stagira, Greece, on the border of Macedonia.