Population growth
________ is regulated by density- dependent variables (pp.
Intraspecific competition
________ for limited food or space, increased predation, illness, intrinsic physiological variables, and toxic chemical accumulation are examples of density- dependent limiting factors.
________ often begin an investigation of a population by setting limits that are appropriate to the creature being studied and the questions being addressed.
Natural selection
________ produces life history characteristics.
logarithmic scale
The ________ on the y- axis allows the number of survivors to be visible across the entire range (2- 1, 000 individuals) on the graph.
Life tables
________ and survival curves highlight particular demographic patterns.
The global human population has increased rapidly since around ________, but in the last 50 years, the pace of expansion has been cut in half.
Infant mortality rates
________ and life expectancy at birth vary greatly among nations.
ecological footprint
The ________ is the total amount of land and water required to generate all of the resources that a person or group of people use and absorb all of their waste.
Population density
________, dispersion, and demography are influenced by biotic and abiotic variables.
Life history characteristics
________ are evolutionary consequences that are reflected in organism development, physiology, and behavior.
Individual dispersion
________ is influenced by environmental and social variables.
Iteroparous creatures
________ have progeny on a regular basis.
reproductive output
For sexual creatures such as birds and mammals, ________ is generally assessed as the average number of female offspring produced by females in a specific age group.
If ________ and emigration are excluded, the per capita growth rate of a population equals the birth rate minus the mortality rate.
K selection
________ and r- selection are two hypothetical life history patterns.
independent birth
A density- ________ or death rate is one that does not fluctuate with density.
logistic model
Although the ________ only fits a few real populations exactly, it is useful for projecting potential growth.
population expansion
When resources are plentiful, the exponential growth equation dN /dt= rN describes ________, where r is the intrinsic rate of rising and N is the population size.
Population growth
________ is slowed by density- dependent variations in birth and death rates, which can finally stabilize a population around its carrying capacity.
Life history characteristics
________ like brood size, maturity age, and parental caring are examples of trade- offs between competing needs for time, energy, and nutrition.