Jewish Temple
The ________ in Jerusalem was destroyed, and Roman power once more stood supreme in Judaea.
The importation of large quantities of grain to feed the populace of Rome and an incredible quantity of luxury items for the wealthy upper classes in the west led to a steady drain of gold and silver coins from ________ and the west to the eastern part of the empire.
Roman involvement with the Jews began in 63 B., ________ had been made a province and placed under the direction of a Roman procurator.
Gladiatorial games
________ and slavery increased dramatically in the Early Empire, while upper- class women acquired greater independence.
________ was a grandnephew of Tiberius and the great- grandson of Augustus.
The shift from ________ to empire not only transformed the Roman political world but also affected its cultural and social life.
________ was a competent general and an able administrator who tried initially to involve the Senate in government.
Greek styles
In architecture, the Romans continued to imitate ________ and made use of colonnades, rectangular structures, and post- and- lintel construction.
proper relationship
Observance of proper ritual by state priests theoretically brought the Romans into ________ with the gods and guaranteed security, peace, and prosperity.
Early Empire The Romans
Art in the ________ contributed little that was original to painting and sculpture.
Jewish sect
The Essenes were a(n) ________ that lived in a religious community near the Dead Sea.
Early Empire
Long- distance trade beyond the Roman frontiers also flourished during the ________.
The Pharisees adhered strictly to Jewish ritual and, although they wanted ________ to be free from Roman control, did not advocate violent means to achieve this goal.
________ held the office of consul, which gave him imperium, or the right to command.
Julio Claudians
The ________ - The ________ rulers varied greatly inability.
Educated in Rome, ________ became strongly attached to the philosophy of Stoicism.
The ________ were the first people in antiquity to use concrete on a massive scale.
Upper-class women
________ could attend races, the theater, and events in the amphitheater, although in the latter two places they were forced to sit in separate female sections.
Septimus Severus
On his deathbed, ________ advised his sons, ‘‘Live in harmony, make the soldiers rich, and don’t give a damn for anything else.
Gallic empire
Posthumous defended his ________ until he was killed by his own soldiers in 269.
Jewish Background Christianity
The ________ emerged out of Judaism, and so it is to the Jewish political-religious world that we must turn to find the beginnings of Christianity.