Negative pressure breathing
________, which draws air into the lungs as the rib muscles and diaphragm flex, is used by mammals to ventilate their lungs.
________ play a role in blood clotting by initiating a chain reaction that transforms plasma fibrinogen into fibrin.
________ and countercurrent exchange between blood and water improves the efficiency of gas exchange in some gills, notably those of fish.
________ that bind and transport gases are examples of gas exchange adaptations.
________ and chemical barriers, as well as cell- based defenses, mediate innate immunity in both invertebrates and vertebrates.
double circulation
In animals, ________ is driven by coordinated cycles of cardiac contraction.
________ utilize a system of air sacs as bellows to maintain air moving through their lungs in just one direction, preventing incoming and outgoing air from mingling.
________ use a tracheal system, which is a branching network of tubes that transports O2 directly to cells.
________ are body surface out folding that are specialized for gas exchange in water.
neurological system
The ________, hormones, and body temperature all have an impact on the pacemaker.
The ________ is initiated by impulses from the right atrium's sinoatrial (SA) node (pacemaker)
________ have a closed circulatory system, which means that blood flows through a network of pumps and arteries.
Recognition proteins
________ specific for wide groups of pathogens are required for the activation of innate immune responses.
Circulatory systems
________ connect exchange surfaces to cells all over the body.
gastrovascular cavity
A(n) ________ promotes exchange between the environment and cells that may be accessed via diffusion in animals with basic body designs.
When a(n) ________ infects an insect, recognition proteins attach to ________ cell wall components, activating a transmembrane receptor called Toll.
arrangement of respiratory
The form and ________ surfaces are different amongst animals.
They cause atrial contraction, which is subsequently delayed at the atrioventricular (________) node before being carried through the bundle branches and Purkinje fibers, causing ventricular contraction.
Veins transport
________ blood from the capillaries to the atrium, which then transports it to the ventricle.
interstitial fluid
Blood pumped by the ventricle of the heart travels to the arteries and then to the capillaries, which are sites of chemical interaction between blood and ________.
Plasma proteins
________ have an effect on blood pH, osmotic pressure, and viscosity, as well as lipid transport, immunity (antibodies), and blood coagulation (fibrinogen)
Deep diving animals
________ accumulate O2 in their blood and other tissues and gradually deplete it.
Positive pressure breathing
________, which drives air down the trachea, is used by amphibians to ventilate their lungs.
cardiac cycle
The ________, which is the full sequence of the heart's pumping and filling, consists of a time of contraction, known as systole, and a period of relaxation, known as diastole.
lymphatic system
The ________, which also protects against infection, removes fluid from capillaries and returns it to the blood.
Molecular recognition
________ in adaptive immunity is based on a large array of receptors, each of which identifies a characteristic present exclusively on a specific portion of a specific molecule in a specific pathogen.
right ventricle
The ________ is responsible for pumping blood to the lungs, where it loads O2 and unloads CO2.
Adaptive reactions
________ include the production of proteins that inactivate a bacterial toxin and the targeted kilowatt- hour.
Whole blood
________ is made up of cells and cell fragments (platelets) floating in plasma, a liquid matrix.
Insects' innate immune responses
________ are tailored to certain disease groups.
circulatory system
Blood, blood arteries, and a two- to four- chambered heart comprise vertebrates 'closed ________.
circulatory system
Because diffusion over large distances is sluggish, most sophisticated creatures have a(n) ________, the number, and separation of which reflect adaptations to varied habitats and metabolic demands.